He kisses me again through the sheet. “I love you still.” He pulls the sheet away, kissing my chin, and watches me as his smile straightens a little but doesn’t leave his eyes. “Whatever else you’re thinking . . . that’s not changed with the sunup. I loved you before last night. I’ll love you tomorrow. I’ve just said the words now.”
I saw my teeth across my lip, feeling the sunshine fill my chest and bleed up into my eyes.
“I’ve wanted to fuck you long before last night,” he says, playful smile back in place as he climbs over me, spreading my thighs with his knee. “And now that I’ve had you, I want it even more.”
This is a sentiment I can easily reciprocate: “Let’s fuck for the rest of the day.”
His laugh is a happy, warm sound. “Week.”
He’s said it. It’s longer than I’ve ever been with anyone else, so easily assumed. We stare at each other, neither of us saying it. It’s too soon, even with all of the declarations rising like smoke in the air. But the longer Oliver looks at me, the more I know he’s thinking it.
“All right then,” he murmurs.
I answer against his mouth: “All right then.”
Chapter TEN
A??N ALARM ON Lola’s phone goes off halfway through her first cup of coffee. I tried to keep her in bed for the agreed-upon duration, which I considered an ironclad contract, but eventually we both needed a bathroom, caffeine, and food.
“Oh, shit,” she says, reaching for it and opening the calendar app.
We’re sitting side by side at my dining room table. I’m in jeans; she’s in nothing but the shirt I wore yesterday. It’s long, but not so long that I can’t see all of her, especially with one of her legs on the ground, our ankles pressed together, and her other leg in my lap. Caffeine is slowly bringing my brain to life and I still feel warm and slow, like well-worked clay. I really don’t want her to have to leave quite yet.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
“I have this thing I’m supposed to do at eleven.” She frowns, and I look up at the clock. It’s nearly ten.
“It’s a chat with the UCSD Arts publication.” Steam rises up from her mug and twists in the space between us, dissolving in a beam of sun overhead. “Shit. I completely spaced it,” she says, and then more to herself, “I never forget this stuff.”
I set down my cup and lean forward, taking her free hand in mine. “Can you do it from here? The Wi-Fi can be a bit spotty, but my laptop’s in my room. You’re welcome to it.”
She’s already shaking her head. “It’s a video chat,” she explains, pointing to her hair. Lola’s hair is naturally smooth and straight. Right now it looks like it might house a family of small birds.
Laughing, I lean forward, kissing her nose. “I have to get to the shop this morning to check on Joe, anyway. Maybe we can meet up for a late lunch?”
Reading my expression, Lola pushes closer, tilting her head to my mouth, speaking between each kiss: “I’m not sure how long I’ll be.” She pulls back, rubbing her thumb over my stubble. “I have to shower and then I have a call with Benny after—but I’ll text you when I’m done?”
“Yeah. Text me.” My words are tight, and I lean back in, kisses growing more desperate. “Stay here again tonight. I need . . .”
I need to drink, and drink, and drink of her. I’ll never get my fill.
A rush of breath escapes her lungs and she pushes off her chair and onto my lap, whispering against my mouth. “I don’t want to leave,” she says, and her hand slides over my bare chest. “Let’s go back to bed.”
My jeans have slipped so they’re barely hanging on, and all I can think of is how easy it would be to push them the rest of the way down, lift my shirt up, and make her come, right here on my kitchen table.
She grinds into me, sliding wet across my button fly.
“Get up on the table,” I say into her open mouth. “Let me kiss that little cunt.”
Dark Wild Night
Christina Lauren's books
- Darkness Arisen
- Embrace the Darkness (Darkness Series)
- A Shot in the Dark
- Fallen Angels in the Dark
- Beautiful Darkness
- Dark Needs
- My Double Life Wild and Wicked
- Wild and Wicked (Wal-Mart Edition)
- Run Wild (Escape with a Scoundrel)
- Wildest Dreams
- Iris (The Wild Side)
- Upon A Midnight Clear
- Midnight rainbow(Rescues (Kell Sabin) series #1)
- A Knight in Central Park
- A Knight of Passion
- Bungalow Nights
- Midnight Special Coming on Strong
- Night Falls on the Wicked
- Night Maneuvers
- One Night of Misbehavior
- One Night Standoff
- Reckless Night in Rio
- The Knight of Her Dreams
- One Night with Her Ex
- Need You Tonight
- Rock All Night
- Bride for a Night
- Prom Night in Purgatory
- The Last Good Knight (parts 1 to 5)
- Moonlight on Nightingale Way
- The Nightingale
- Tonight the Streets Are Ours
- An Artificial Night
- Chimes at Midnight