Changing the Game

“I told him I wasn’t going to pressure you or pretend that this call was anything other than a fact-finding mission on his behalf.”

She smiled at that. “Thank you, Kathleen.”

“I hope you two are able to work things out.”

That wasn’t going to happen. “I’m glad you called. Please say hello to Jimmy for me.”

“I will, honey. You take care.”

Elizabeth laid the phone down on the nightstand and stared at her laptop, but the contract language had lost its appeal. She closed her laptop and sank under the covers, grabbed the remote and turned on the television, randomly flipping channels, hoping she could find something mindless to tune into until she fell asleep.

Her phone rang. She grabbed it from the nightstand, her heart squeezing when she saw it was Gavin. She laid it back down and focused on an animal show on the television.

When her phone buzzed again, she let the tears fall, no longer able to hold them inside.


GOING TO RILEY’S WAS PROBABLY A MISTAKE, BUT ELIZABETH wanted to talk to Jenna. It wasn’t like she had a lot of friends. She missed Shawnelle and Haley, but she wouldn’t be hanging out with them anytime soon now that she and Gavin were no longer a couple, and she wasn’t Gavin’s agent. Since she didn’t represent any other Rivers players, at least not at the moment, there would be no reason for her to attend any of their games.

Wasn’t it just so funny that someone who never had any female friends suddenly craved them?

She pulled up a seat at the bar and waited for Jenna, who spotted her, waved, and dealt with a few of her customers before moseying down Elizabeth’s end.

“What’s up, girl?”

“Just got back into town after a few days of traveling. How about you?”

Jenna held out her arms. “Another day in Riley paradise here. What can I get you to drink?”

“Hit me with something strong and mighty.”

“You talking a man or a drink?”

Elizabeth laughed. “I’ll start with the drink and work my way up from there.”

Jenna filled a glass with ice and whiskey, straight up. “Hard and mighty. It’s Gavin’s favorite.”


“Yeah, Mom told me you two had a falling out and you fired him. Care to elaborate?”

Elizabeth took a long swallow, her eyes watering as the whiskey burned its way down her throat and into her belly. “Whoa.”

Jenna laughed. “Lightweight. Don’t get into a drinking contest with me, ever.”

“Duly noted.”

“Okay, girlfriend. Spill. What did my dumb-ass brother do to fuck things up?”

“I’m not sure it was entirely his fault.”

“Oh, I’m sure it was. Go on.”

“I pushed him to get back to the game. It’s my job as his agent.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Anyway, your other brother stuck his nose in our business and accused me once again of manipulating Gavin. I told Gavin I loved him.”

“Wow. Big step,” Jenna said.

“Yes. But I wanted him to understand that I cared about him and wanted only what was best for him. I could see he was miserable.”

Jenna nodded. “We all could see that.”

“So he asked me if I told all my clients that in order to get what I wanted, then he asked me how many of my clients I slept with.”

Jenna’s eyes widened, and she pushed off the bar. “Get the fuck outta here. He did not say that.”

Elizabeth hoisted her glass and emptied it, then laid it back on the bar. “Afraid so.”

Jenna refilled the glass. “This one’s on me. What an utter fucking prick. I can’t believe he said that to you. What was he thinking?”

“I have no idea.” She took the shot in one swallow this time. Jenna refilled it again.

“I’m so sorry, Liz. I know Gavin can be a little dense and unfeeling at times, but that was just uncalled for. I know he cares about you. Where was his head at the time?”

She shrugged and took the shot again, feeling warm and buzzed. “Don’t know. Don’t care anymore. At that point I was stunned, pissed, and disappointed as hell. I told him it was obvious we weren’t seeing eye to eye on business or personal agendas anymore, so I fired him and walked out on him.”

“Good for you, sister.” Jenna refilled Elizabeth’s glass, then poured another. “I’ll have a shot with you this time.”

Elizabeth giggled. “Can you do that since you’re on duty?”

Jenna lifted the glass. “Honey, I can do anything I damn well please. I’m the owner. Or at least part owner. Cheers. And men suck.”

They clinked glasses and Elizabeth chugged the shot. Her face was getting numb, but she felt a hell of a lot better now. She knew coming here was a great idea. In no time at all she’d forget all about Gavin Riley.

GAVIN SAT IN HIS LIVING ROOM PLAYING XBOX, TRYING to get his mind off Elizabeth. Sometime soon she’d get home, and he’d stop stalking her condo.

Okay, maybe tonight he’d go back there and see if her car was there yet. He’d try around midnight. She couldn’t stay gone forever. Eventually she’d have to go home, and she’d have to face him.

And he’d have to face her.

Jaci Burton's books