Changing the Game

He slid his finger in, and she convulsed, pulled her own fingers out of her *. It would have been so easy to come right then. The sensation of having his finger in her ass and her fingers in her * was tremendous.

Double fucked. She wanted to be double fucked. Her fingers and his cock.

She was going to come so hard.

“Do it. Fuck me. Now.”

He poured more lube on her ass, then she heard the tearing of a condom wrapper. Gavin leaned over her back to whisper in her ear.

“I’ll go slow and easy. If it hurts too much, tell me and I’ll stop. You control this, okay?”


She felt his cock head at the entrance to her anus. He probed, pushed past the muscled entrance. It burned, but oh, it was a sweet burn as she continued to lightly rub her fingers over her clit. She took some of the lube that had dripped down her * and swiped it over the tortured nub, taking herself right to the edge again. And as he pushed his cock inside her, she shoved her fingers in her * again.

She felt him pulse as he stilled, letting her get used to his thickness. But she wanted to feel him move inside her.

“Gavin, fuck me.”

“Your ass is so tight, Elizabeth. It’s squeezing my cock. Do you know how good it’s going to be when we both come?”

She strummed her clit faster, fucked her * with three fingers. She was moaning, sweating, out of her mind with a primal hunger that left her senseless. She’d never felt so full before. His cock was thick and hot in her ass as he eased in and out, thrusting against her with a gentle rhythm.

But as her orgasm tunneled ever closer, she didn’t want slow and easy.

“Harder. Fuck me hard, Gavin. Make it hurt.”

“You sure that’s what you want?”

“Yes! Now fuck me and come in me.”

He reared back and slammed his cock into her ass. She screamed and thrust her fingers deep into her * and drove the heel of her hand against her clit. As he glued his hips against her buttocks, she felt her oncoming climax and bucked back against him.

“I’m coming, Gavin.”

“And I’m going to come in your ass right . . . now.”

He powered his cock inside her and then burst, yelling out with his orgasm. She tilted her head back and cried out as she climaxed, convulsing on his cock as they both came apart at the same time, both of them shuddering against each other.

It was wild, out of control, nearly unbearable in its intimacy as he took her to a place she’d never been, the sensations jackknifing through her like fire searing every nerve ending. She couldn’t think, couldn’t even breathe as she collapsed in utter exhaustion.

It had been an amazing experience being this close to him, giving him something she’d never given another man. And he’d been right there with her the entire time—holding her, kissing her, his hands all over her body.

And now that it was over, Gavin leaned over and kissed her back, withdrew, then lifted her up as if she were a weightless feather. He carried her upstairs and deposited her in the bathroom and turned the shower on. He was so tender with her, washing every inch of her body, then helping to dry her off. She put on a T-shirt and panties, and they climbed into bed and watched a movie together. When she woke, it was one in the morning, and Gavin was sprawled on his stomach, one foot hanging off the bed.

She wanted him in her bed every night.

Every night forever.

Why couldn’t she just tell him that? Why couldn’t she tell him she loved him?

She knew why. Because things were light and fun between them right now. Oh, sure, he told her he missed her, and he did spend all his time with her. And as far as she knew, he wasn’t seeing anyone else.

But love? That was a whole different animal.

And permanence? She just didn’t see it between her and Gavin.

She snuggled up against him, and he rolled over onto his side and pulled her against him, wrapping his arm around her.

They belonged together. She knew it.

But did he?

She was too afraid to ask him.

Sometimes it was best to not say anything at all.


THE SHRILL RING OF HIS PHONE MADE GAVIN WISH HE had turned it on vibrate. He rolled over and shoved his head under the pillow. Still, the sound wouldn’t go away.

Goddamn it. What the fuck time was it anyway?

“Gavin, your phone is ringing.”

He heard Elizabeth’s muffled voice next to him.

“I’m ignoring it. They’ll go away.”

“It’s rung three times already. Might be important.”

“It’s probably some drunk dialing the wrong fucking number.” He was tired, he was snuggled up against his warm woman, and he didn’t want to be bothered.

“Or it could be important.”

He sighed, threw the pillow off his head, and fumbled around in the dark, trying to gather his bearings and find the damn phone, finally locating it on the nightstand.

Elizabeth’s nightstand. Oh, yeah. He was at her condo.

He blinked his eyes and tried to open them enough to read the missed-call register.

He shook off the dregs of sleep when he read the name.

“Fuck. It’s Jenna.”

Elizabeth turned on the light while Gavin dialed. She slipped beside him and rubbed his back.

Jaci Burton's books