Changing the Game

“Tommy’s family is great,” Haley said. “My family sucks. Not sure what we’ll do when we have kids. I know Tommy’s mother will move heaven and earth to be wherever we are so she can be near our kids, so I know she’ll be there to help. But that’s a long time in the future, so I’m not even thinkin’ about it.”

“What about you, Elizabeth?” Shawnelle asked. “Any thoughts about marriage and kids?”

Elizabeth turned her gaze to her toenails, which were being painted a beautiful shade of pink. “Wow, look at our toes. Aren’t they pretty?”


She grinned at Shawnelle. “Expert at it, as a matter of fact.”

After the spa, Elizabeth took them to a trendy bar and restaurant. It had gotten late, and they were all thirsty and starving. They ordered food and margaritas, though the margaritas turned out to be way more fun than the food. By the time their lunch—though it was closer to dinner—arrived, they were on their second pitcher of margaritas, and Elizabeth was feeling every one of them. Her skin tingled, her lips were numb, and she was laughing at everything the women said.

But her burrito tasted heavenly, and she managed at least a few bites of it, even if she’d lost her appetite since she was now drinking her lunch. Or dinner.

The waitress brought another pitcher of margaritas, and Elizabeth turned to Haley.

“Okay, tell us about the sex, Haley.”

Haley’s eyes widened, and she grinned. “It is so awesome now that we’re talkin’ about it. Who knew all we had to do was communicate what we both liked and wanted? Tommy thought I was shy, and I thought he was sexually ignorant. Once we broke the ice, it turned out he’s a sexual animal in bed, and I sure as hell have no problem telling him how I want it. And he has no problem giving me exactly what I ask for.”

“Woo-hoo!” Shawnelle said, lifting her glass. “A toast to great sex and a man who knows what to do with his cock.”

Elizabeth giggled and raised her glass. “I’ll drink to that.”

“So tell us about your sex life, Elizabeth. You’re typically closed up about Gavin.”

She took a long swallow of her margarita, then refilled her glass. “Mmmm. It’s good. Really good. He has great hands. A very talented tongue. And one hell of an awesome cock. His stamina is out of this world. I’m not sure I’m going to know what to do with myself when we’re not together anymore. I was in a sexual drought for so long it’s like I can’t get enough now. I’ve easily fallen into this pattern of sharing the beach house with him, sleeping with him, fucking him.”

Haley rested her chin in her hands and blinked, a dreamy expression on her face. “Sounds nice.”

“Why does it have to end?” Shawnelle asked.

Elizabeth shrugged and lifted her glass. “ ’Cuz. It does. We’re just playing house, you know? It’s not serious.”

“It isn’t? Who says?”

“We do. I do. I don’t know. It just isn’t.”

“It’s serious for you, doll, isn’t it? And it has been for years.”

Elizabeth laughed and took a drink. “Well, yeah, but he doesn’t know that. And he never will.”

Haley wrinkled her nose and lifted her empty glass. Elizabeth tried to focus on filling it, even though there seemed to be two glasses in front of her.

It was entirely possible she was drunk.

“I think you should tell him how you feel about him,” Haley said.

“Oh, no. That would be bad. If I told him how I felt, he’d have power over me. I can’t give him the power.”

“Bullshit.” Shawnelle said, pointing her finger at Elizabeth. “See, this is the problem with men and women and relationshits. Shit. Relasinsips. Dammit. Relationships. There, I got it. Lies and games and positioning. You should try honesty. Communication.” She tilted her head at Haley. “Look how well communication worked for Haley. She’s having great sex now.”

“I’m already having great sex.”

Shawnelle snorted. “You know what I mean, missy. Don’t try to double-talk me. I’m a lawyer.”

“Yeah, but you’re a drunk lawyer.”

“True that.” Shawnelle emptied her glass and refilled it.

Elizabeth signaled the waitress for another pitcher, then pulled out her phone to call Gavin. He answered on the first ring.

“Hey. Having fun?”

“Yup. Really drunk here though. Think you can swing by Bernards and pick up three toasted women and give us all a ride home?”

He laughed. “On my way. Don’t drive.”

She saluted the phone. “Yes, sir.”

“I’m serious. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”

“Thanks, Gavin. Love you.”

She closed the phone and lifted her gaze to Shawnelle and Haley. “I called Gavin. He’s going to give us all a ride home. We’re drunk, you know.”

Haley’s eyes widened. “We are?”

Elizabeth nodded. “We totally are.”

Haley covered her mouth with her hands. “That’s so funny.”

“Hey, drunk girl,” Shawnelle said, patting Elizabeth’s hand.


“You just told Gavin you loved him on the phone.”

She frowned. “Did not.”

“Yup. You did. I heard you,” Haley said.

“I did?”

Jaci Burton's books