Buy Me (Mistress Auctions, #1)

Aaron isn’t touching her, just looking between her open legs, rubbing his hand over the front of his pants. “Just wanted to admire the view,” he says, answering my unspoken question. He has all of Nevada laid out beyond those windows, yet the most perfect view is right there on the bed.

I smile and go to the closet, pulling out a suit and getting dressed. When I look over to Stella’s side of the closet, I see a blue dress that catches my eye. I go over and pull it out, and then look back out to Aaron to make sure I was right. He and I are both wearing blue, and I want her to match us today. I lay the dress out and go to the dresser, pulling out a sheet of paper and a pen. I put the note with the dress, and I hope when she finds it later that it makes her smile.

When I walk out of the closet, I see neither of them has moved. “You ready?”

“To f*ck
? Absolutely.”

I look at Stella and watch her blush. Goddamn. Seeing her look shy and innocent while spread open and waiting makes me want to breed her this f*ck
ing second. I walk over and lean down, kissing her on her forehead and then her lips. “Have a good day, Lucky. Remember to call us if you need anything. I’m on line two.” I give her a cocky grin, but before I pull up, I move down and kiss her p*ssy

lips goodbye too. f*ck
, I’m going to miss that chubby cunt until tonight.

When I stand up, I move over and watch Aaron do the same thing. “Have fun today, Lucky.” Then he gives her a kiss on the forehead, a kiss on the lips, and then one on the cunt. Jesus, we are going to f*ck
ing ruin her. The two of us are going to f*ck
her little body until she’s overflowing with cum and begging us to stop.

“Bye, baby,” I whisper, and blow her a kiss on the way out.



I feel almost paralyzed as I lie in the middle of the massive bed. Both men departed the room like nothing is strange about any of this. They both seemed so casual and relaxed, as if them both kissing me like that, one after the other, was normal.

Justin said it wasn't, but it all seems so easy for them. The norm, even. As if we've been doing this for months. That I wake up every day between two men hungrily eating at my body, touching me in ways I’d never been touched before. When I first started to wake, I thought it had all been a dream.

I’d had dreams about them before. Maybe not as delicious, but I’d had plenty of them. They seem to grow in intensity every time I see them. Now I lie here in their bed at a loss for words, my body still buzzing from what they did to it.

It seemed like they knew my own body better than even I did. When I would try to find relief at my own hand, I would always be left frustrated or unsatisfied by the orgasm I pulled from my body. They seemed to be able to get me there in seconds and give me an orgasm more powerful than I thought was possible. I’d always wondered what all the talk was about. Now I know.

Peeling myself from the bed, I make my way to the bathroom, but stop when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Turning, I look at myself. For some reason I look different, or maybe it’s because I feel a little different. The Las Vegas sun pours through the windows, lighting up the entire room, and I just stand and stare at myself for a moment.

My long black hair looks wild and untamed, my lips swollen, even my nipples have little marks on them like they have been well used. I feel sexy. Like a part of me I didn’t know existed has woken up. Before I felt like my hips were too wide, my boobs too big. Now, looking at myself, I feel womanly. Something I’d never felt before. I feel desired. Sure I’d been hit on, but I never felt a compulsion to really explore. Now I want more. I can still feel their wetness and mine mixed together between my legs, dampening my thighs.

Maybe the next month won’t be as hard as I first thought it would be. If the Cortez brothers make me feel like that every morning this will probably be the best thirty days of my life. If I can keep my heart out of it.

That would be the real challenge. I already care more than I should. I was holding on too tightly when Justin had told me no other women had slept in their bed, and that the clothes were just for me.

Going to the bathroom, I can’t help but notice the set up. I’ve never in my life seen a three person sink. I can tell the middle one is for me. A pink toothbrush and hair brush sit next to it, the toothbrush still in the wrapping. Pulling my hair on top of my head, I jump into a shower that looks like it could fit ten of me. Normally I love to take baths, but the one in here looks like it might take forever to fill because of its giant size. It takes me a few moments to figure out all the knobs and buttons before I finally get the shower heads to come on.