Breathe for Me

chapter Twenty-Three

Chelsea had bailed on watching waterpolo tonight, promising to meet him in bed with some kind of surprise. Xander had nearly bailed on waterpolo himself knowing that. But she’d shoved him out the door with a laugh and told him to be sure to stay for dinner with Rocco and the guys afterwards. That he was going to need the sustenance.

He had never been so happy in his life. Nor had he ever been so shit scared. He’d never had a girlfriend for this long before and he’d no idea what course this thing was going to take. But they’d travel it together—that he did know.

Now, with Hunter silently strolling at his side, he walked back into the building, eager to get upstairs and into whatever it was she had planned.

“See you Hunter,” he said as they crossed the lobby.

His buddy nodded.

“Xander?” Someone else called him.

He glanced at Terry. He so didn’t want anything to delay him right now. “What’s up? You got a problem?”

“I think you do.”

He stopped striding towards the elevator and turned. “What is it?”

“Someone in the pool. After hours.”

His eyes met those of the building security man and he raced to the screen the guy was looking at.

She stood at the side of the pool. The lights around the deck danced in the light breeze, casting patterns over her suit and skin. Her face was pale in the light that emanated from the surrounding buildings. She glowed like a star—just about the only one visible in light-polluted New York. As he stared at the screen, she peeled one strap, then the other, from her shoulders.

There was a hiss as Hunter—behind him—sucked in a breath. “Seems to me you’re gonna have your hands full getting her out of there.”

Xander half smiled, half grimaced. “You have no idea.”

He reached forward and hit the button on the monitor to turn it black, knowing damn well that Terry was going to turn it straight back on the second he got out the door. Xander didn’t give a shit how much Terry saw of him. And given Xander would be all over Chelsea, he’d hardly see her. Xander needed to be beside her, supporting her. Needed to be with her every step of the way.

“I’ll give you fifteen minutes.” Hunter grabbed Terry by the arm and hauled him out of the swivel chair and into the reception area.

“You’re kidding me. I’m supposed to watch the screens.” Terry protested.

“I’ll take full responsibility.” Hunter growled, easily blocking the guy from moving. “Xan, you have fifteen.”

Hell, the way he was feeling he’d need less than two.

“I’ll take care of the tape too,” Hunter called as Xander reached the door to the stairwell. “Good luck.”

“Gonna need it,” Xander muttered beneath his breath as he ran. “Gonna need every damn inch of it.”

She was going in the water?

Not without him.

Chelsea took one step. There. She was on the first step into the water. It was a notch cooler than the warm air, both were sensual on her bare body. She was hyper aware of every tiny feeling. Every change. She took another step down and deliberately drew air into her tight lungs.

Behind her the door to the stairwell opened and banged shut.

She smiled and stepped down to the third step—out of arm’s reach. Then she turned.

He stood at the edge of the pool. He’d whisked off his tee and was grappling with his jeans. His chest rapidly rose and fell. He’d run all the way up? Her lower belly tightened. She did like this man.

“You want me to rescue you?” he called to her.

She let her hands swirl in the water, trying to keep herself connected, grounded. “I’ve never wanted that.”

“I know.” He sent her a cautious look. “You know it’s after hours.”

“I do know that, Superman.” She managed a smile.

“And you know you’re giving Terry a show? The security camera is just there.”

“Only in black and white,” she shrugged. “And no sound.”

“That’ll only make it all the sexier for him,” Xander half choked. “He’ll be coming all over the screen in seconds.”

“Hmmm,” she nodded. “That wouldn’t be good for security.” She acknowledged.

“So you’ll get out then? Put your swimsuit back on?”

“No. I don’t think he’d see all that much if we stay under the water.” She took another step down—so the water came to just below her breasts.

She breathed in slow and deep. Not panicking. Not remembering. But not forgetting either. Just moving forward. With Xander watching her. Xander here for her if she needed him.

But she could do this.

“I’ve been under in the bath you know.” She took another step. “I’m okay. I’m never going to forget, but I want to make new memories as well now. I need to do that,” she said. “I’m going to dive.” Her voice wobbled.

“I’m right here.” And he was.

As naked as she. She looked at him, saw his belief in her. His compassion. His encouragement. And his understanding.

She inhaled a deep breath and lifted her arms above her head. With a little spring she did it—plunging deep, submerging. Swimming. She opened her eyes, saw his shadow walking alongside her as she swam underwater—the length of the pool.

She surfaced at the deep end. He’d come to the very edge, was on his haunches, his expression searching and concerned.

But she smiled at him. “I’m a mermaid.”

“Are you now?” He sent a small smile back at her.


“And who am I?” He asked carefully. “A sailor?”

She knew he was making sure she was okay with this fantasy. That it wasn’t too close to wounds. It wasn’t.

“You’re a pirate,” she corrected him.

“Oh.” His smile widened.

She put her hands on the tiled edge and pulled herself out of the water a little, whispering. “You’ve captured me.”

“I have.” He reached down and grasped her wrists.

She pushed back against the wall with her feet—with all her strength—and surged back into the middle of the pool. He tumbled in with an almighty splash.

She broke the surface again, laughing as he swam after her to the shallow end. He reached for her, clutching her tight.

He drew in a ragged breath. “Pirates can be a little rough.”

“Mermaids are tougher than they look.”

“Maybe they are,” Xander hauled her back against him. His heart thundered. She’d given him a hell of a fright with this stunt. But he understood it. She was in the water again. This was what she’d wanted.

“Umm hmmm.” She wriggled a little closer. “And I’m figuring out my way to escape your villainous clutches.”

The rope around Xander’s heart tightened, but he felt lighter than an eyelash. He smiled, not quite as pirate as he’d hoped—it was too loving for that. And he slid into the fantastic reality she wove for him. “This mermaid is never escaping my clutches.”

Her smiled deepened. “Why’s that?”

His spirits lightened more as his groin tightened to beyond painful. “Because I’m too good at keeping her satisfied.”

“Oh, you think?” Her smile deepened. “You see I’d say she can’t escape because she always wants more.”

The movement of her hands made soft splashes. Her warm wet fingers walked up his abs. Soft touches. Tender touches. The fairy lights twinkled in her eyes and she suddenly dived under the water.

He felt her warm mouth on him. He reached out, just able to brace on the edge of the pool. Barely holding on, he kept his balance until she resurfaced with a small splash.

“And mermaids aren’t as pure as all that,” she said. “We’re the ones who really win. We take hearts. Even from the most elusive pirates. You think you have me caught? It’s the other way round.”

Oh he was so caught. So in love. And still so concerned. He put his hand to her jaw.

“I love you,” she whispered, the tears sounding in her voice. “I love you and it’s okay to love you. It’s okay to enjoy everything with you. Everything, everywhere. The water. It’s okay.”

“It is.”

“Will you hold me?”

He wrapped his arms right around her. “For as long as you want me to.”

“For ever,” she whispered, burying her face in his shoulder.

Xander tightened his grip on her and waded through the water to the steps.

She’d changed his life, opened it up to all kinds of wonderful possibilities. He still couldn’t believe his luck.

He held her close as he carried her home, uncaring that they were naked and dripping and could be sprung by anyone in the elevator or the corridor. But luck really was on his side.

Their way was clear.

Natalie Anderson's books