Beyond a Doubt

chapter Four

France 1557

“Has there been any word?”


“The event has been postponed for too long already. If it doesn’t occur soon, people will wonder. They will lose hope. They will lose faith.”

“Aye, I know. But we need more time.”

“You have a month.”

“Thirty days is hardly enough time for the agent to travel so far. We need more time.”

“A month; I can give no more.”

With a respectful bow, the official left. Sir Jean Broussard paced the Admiral’s study. Gaspard de Coligny, respected military leader, was in grave danger. Or at least Jean believed this to be true. As a fellow friend and countryman, Jean feared for Gaspard’s life. His secret couldn’t be maintained forever. If the wrong people became aware then who knew what would happen. With King Henry II upon the French throne, their kind were in constant fear. Thus when Gustav entered, Jean’s concerns had not abated.

“Any news?” asked Jean.

“Non, sir,” replied Gustav.

“We have until the next full moon.”

“But if there is dan—“

“I know. They’ve been warned. They are willing to accept the necessary risks.”

“But Gaspard’s death could destroy all our plans.”

“Then we will have to pray for his ultimate safety.”

Felicia Rogers's books