Beneath the Burn

“The production company provides it.” Faye sat beside him and straightened nonexistent wrinkles in her skirt. “Ella passed out the bottles last night.”

His hammering pulse returned with vengeance and his fingers curled into fists. “Call her. Get her in here right now.”

Faye nodded and scurried from room.

He jumped up and stepped into Tony’s unwavering posture. “If you’re not going to tell me where she is, at least send the protective team to her.”

“We’re supposed to be on the road, Mr. Mayard. The buses are waiting.”

“She’s all alone out there.” His voice was harsh even to his own ears. “Goddammit, Tony.” He spun away, hands curled in a helpless clench.

“The next two shows are smaller venues.” Wil rested his hands on Jay’s shoulders, his touch hesitant, his eyes less so. “We’ll cancel them. Refund the money. This is important, Jay. We’re all in agreement. Make sure your girl is safe.”

Desperate for the support Wil was offering, Jay dragged him into an embrace, one he’d never shared with the man. His pounding heart pulverized his chest, threatened to bring him to his knees. “Thanks.” His voice broke, and he stepped back. “I didn’t do it. I was set up. I was—” Drugged. Poisoned. He jerked his head around the room, met the stark faces of Rio, Laz, Tony, and six or so bodyguards. “Did any one eat the egg salad yesterday?”

“No one touched that nasty shit.” Rio rubbed his bald head. “We would’ve had to pry it from Charlee’s hands anyway.”

A chill sped down Jay’s spine. “She got sick at the show last night. The egg salad…” Oh God. Oh fucking no. “This goddamned nightmare has Roy written all over it. Poisoning Charlee forces her to leave my side. Drugging my water gives Ella the opportunity to drag me to her room.” His blood boiled, exploded. His fist flew and crashed into the sheetrock, spraying dust into the air.

“Calm down, man.” Laz sidled between him and the crumbling wall. “We’ll figure this out.”

The door opened, and Faye hauled in a blank-faced Ella by the arm.

Ella wrestled away. “I get it, okay? I’m fired. I was just leaving.”

Jay’s muscles contracted with revulsion. “What the fuck happened to your southern accent?”

She shrugged, her gaze trained somewhere over his shoulder.

“Sit down.” He thrust a finger at the couch.

Her sashay carried her across the room, but there was a wobble in her step as she neared. When she sat, he leaned over her and let her feel the rage pouring off him. “What did you put in Charlee’s lunch?”

Her entire body flinched, and her wide eyes landed on his for the first time. “I don’t know anything about that.”

He glanced at Tony, knew if she could be convinced of his innocence, she’d take him to Charlee. Her taut jaw gave nothing away.

“What did you put in my water?” His tone was powered with lethal anger. “Speak carefully. Administering narcotics to another is Assault in the Second Degree. I can make this go very, very bad for you.”

She pinned her lips.

Rio’s knee appeared beside her hip, and he lowered his bald head inches from her face, his big body vibrating with unleashed fury.

Perfect. Jay could use Rio’s intimidation to his advantage. He leaned in. “Listen up, little girl. Rio doesn’t give a fuck about assault in any degree.” He grabbed her hand and pulled it toward Rio. “He’ll start with your fingers and move up your arms, breaking every weak, pathetic bone until you tell us what you know.”

Rio uncurled her index finger and slowly bent it backward.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her free hand, fingers shaking. “No. You can’t do that.”

Rio bent it further, and the intent look in his eye made Jay wonder if he’d really do it.

A wail tore for her throat, and she jerked her arm uselessly in Jay’s clutch. “I…I don’t know. I was given a vial. He told me to dilute it in your water. He…he…”

They released her, and she crumpled into her shoulders, hands pressed to her tear-drenched lips.

Rising to his full height, he closed his eyes, inhaled deeply, and pierced her with unleashed hatred. “Roy Oxford.”

Her quivering chin jerked up and down. “He approached me at the restaurant where I waited tables, offered me a lot of money.” She whispered, “He’s scary.”

“Did the scary man tell you to rape me?” Rape sat like acid on his tongue. It had damaged so many years. His. Charlee’s. He would not allow it to take anymore.

Her wailing escalated into howling sobs. “I…I di…didn’t know.” More yowling. “He said…said you’d fuck me…and….and he’d handle any repercussion.”

Tony’s hushed voice murmured over the wailing. On the phone, head down, she relayed the information. After a second of silence, she glanced up and met his eyes. The surprise widening hers knocked his knees. Then her face smoothed. “Thanks, Nathan. We’re on our way.”

“Is she okay?” He chased her swift pace to the door.

Pam Godwin's books