Beneath Your Beautiful (Beautiful, #1)

I grab my keys just as he says something about Grayson but I miss it when the door closes. I waste no time getting into my Jeep and heading over to my aunt and uncles’ house. I need her advice, it's the closest to motherly advice I'll ever have again.

"Hello?" I walk through the front door of their house but it's quiet. Shit. Maybe they're still at church.

"Huntley? Is that you sweetheart?" my aunts voice comes through the arch way leading to the living room. She's lying on the couch with a book in her hand.

"Hi, Aunt Em. I'm sorry, is this a bad time?"

My aunt frowns and gets off the couch. "Of course not, sweetheart. You are welcome here. It's your home too." She smiles warmly at me and pulls me into a hug. The affection is just what I need. "Is everything ok darlin'?"

"Can we talk?"

"Of course sweetheart. Let me make us some tea and you can tell me what’s weighing so heavy on that heart of yours."

She can read me well, the way a mother can read their own child. Its times like these I miss my mother, but I'm equally grateful to have my Aunt Emma. She has stepped in to be a mother to me, without making me feel likes she's trying to replace my mother altogether. It makes me love and respect her so much more.

A little while later, Aunt Emma comes back with a tray in her hand. She settles on the couch and makes us both a cup of tea.

"Now," she says, setting her cup down on the living room table. "Tell me what's bothering you sweetheart."

I swallow hard before retelling what happened with Demi yesterday. Her eyes go wide with shock when I tell her how I found Demi and my own fill with tears. She rubs my back, comforting me. "It was hard to see her like that without remembering what I went through," I say.

"Oh honey, the way you reacted was perfectly normal. You understand what that girl is going through a little better than most people. Have you spoken to Grayson about what happened to you before you came to Breckinridge?”

I shake my head and try to swallow my tears. "No, but after yesterday, after he saw me almost freak out, I think he deserves to know. But I'm terrified that if I tell him, he won't look at me the same. What if he doesn't want me after he finds out that I'm damaged goods?"

Aunt Emma wraps her arms around my shoulder. "First of all, you are not damaged goods. Don't ever let me hear you refer to yourself that way again or I'll be forced to give you a hiding. You have been through more than most people your age and you've become so incredibly strong because of it. And second of all, how do you know Grayson will leave you once he knows? I don't think that boy will ever leave you, even if he wanted to. He's so smitten with you sweetheart, he goes all googly eyed whenever you're with him."

"I'm scared."

"I know baby girl. But love does that to you. I know how you feel about Grayson, which is exactly why you need trust him enough not to leave you when you tell him the truth. If he's the kind of man I know he is, he will love you more than he already does."

"You think he loves me?"

She scoffs. "That boy would jump in front of an eighteen wheeler if you asked him to. Anyone can see that he loves you."

"I love him too," I choke out. "But how do I tell him what's on my heart when I'm afraid he'll reject it because it's not whole?"

"Sweetheart, let him put it back together. You might find that you can piece his heart back together too."

I'm too caught up in my own inner conflict to ponder about her last statement. Instead, I focus on calming my thoughts and drawing on my inner strength. I can do this. Grayson deserves to know.

"Thank you Aunt Em."

She kisses my forehead and hugs me tight. "Any time baby girl, I'm here if you need me."

I say goodbye and take my time on the short drive back to my apartment. I feel strangely better, yet still somewhat conflicted. Suddenly, the thought of Grayson not knowing who I am completely is more terrifying than telling him the truth.

I'm about to lay the pieces of my shattered heart at Grayson's feet.

I can only hope that he'll still want me, despite the fact that I'm not whole.

Chapter 18


Huntley walks into the apartment and the look on her face concerns me. Her face is red and her eyes are puffy. I have no idea where she’s been but something has obviously upset her. She closes the door behind her and walks over to me. Her arms snake around my waist and I can’t help the bad feeling that uncoils in the pit of my stomach. Something is very wrong.

“Where did you disappear to this morning?” I ask quietly. “I missed you.”

“I needed to sort some things out. Are Brody and Demi here?”

“Yeah, they’re in Demi’s room. Last time I checked they were asleep.”

She looks down the passage and back up at me. “Can we talk?”

I nod, watching her wearily as she takes my hand and leads me down the hallway to her room. I close the door behind me and take a seat on the bed. The bad feeling I had in stomach moments ago is now amplified. It makes me anxious.

“What’s wrong?”

Tamsyn Bester's books