Beneath Your Beautiful (Beautiful, #1)

Her breathing evens out and I shift so that I’m looking at her. Her face is calm and serene, quite the opposite of what being with her like this does to my body.

I kiss her forehead and allow myself to drift off, relishing in the feel of her being tucked away and blanketed by my body.

I never want to fall asleep without her in my arms.


** ** ** ** ** ** **

A little while later I get the feeling I’m being watched. Despite not knowing what time it is, I keep my eyes closed. When Huntley’s soft, delicate fingers trace my lips I can’t resist anymore.

I open my eyes and she smiles. She looks rested and the result is a warm, angelic glow radiating from her face.

“Hi,” she whispers.

Instead of replying I kiss her, trailing my hand down her spine and cupping her butt. She inches closer so I throw my leg over hers.

“Gray,” she whispers, “I’m hungry.”

I roll us so that I’m on top of her and thread our fingers together, stretching our joined hands above her head.

“Hmmmm,” I kiss her neck softly and lick the tender flesh. “I’m also hungry…but not for food.”

The sound that comes from her mouth is a mixture of a giggle and a whimper. “Haven’t you had enough of me yet?”

I look at her and frown. “I will never have enough of you. Have you had enough of me?”

She giggles, kissing the tip of my nose. “No, definitely not, but um…I kind of need…to recover.”

“Did I hurt you?” I ask seriously. It took her a few minutes to accommodate me fully but she didn’t look uncomfortable or in pain.

“No, but – “

I cut her off. “Were you a virgin?”

I can’t believe the thought never occurred to me before. Fuck. I should’ve asked before we…

She pulls her hands free of mine and cups my face. “No Grayson. If I was, I would’ve told you.”

I thread my fingers through her hair. “Then why do you need to recover?”

She tucks her face into my chest to hide her blush and mumbles “Oh God.” The vibrations coming from her voice prickle my skin and travel south.

“Tell me,” I encourage teasingly, nuzzling her ear.

“It’s just, well…” she pauses and looks back up at me. “You’re….” I watch in amusement as she struggles to find the words. “You’re…bigger… than…um…my first.”

If it wasn’t for the look of embarrassment on her face, I would burst into laughter. But I don’t.

“Well,” I smirk, “I won’t apologize for that.”

I kiss her deeply, soliciting a moan from both of us. My hips start rolling on their own accord, ready to take her again.

“If you keep making those noises,” I mumble against her mouth. I won’t be able to stop myself. So, let’s get you dressed and fed. I’m sure Its almost dinner time anyway.”

She gives me a quick peck on the lips and rolls out from under me. I follow her movements and watch as she dresses in her black lace panties and my now dry shirt. She’s trying to kill me.

Well, two can play at that game.

I pull my boxer briefs on but nothing else, and follow her into the kitchen. We’re still alone in the apartment so I don’t worry about who sees us.

“What are you in the mood for?” I open the fridge to see what ingredients are at my disposal.

She pulls the perfectly baked vanilla cupcakes from the oven. “These look good. I’ll just have a cupcake.”

I pull the tray out of her hand, wondering how the hell they didn’t burn. We forgot all about them earlier. “How did they not burn?”

She laughs. “I had the timer set before you…interrupted me.”

“Well, last I checked, cupcakes are not part of a nutritious food group so I will make you some proper food.”

She pouts and it takes some self-restraint to stop myself from pulling those lips between my teeth. “But I want a cupcake.”

“Let me feed you some proper food, and then you can have a cupcake.”

I close the fridge and lift her onto the counter. I settle between her legs and rub up and down her bare thighs. She wraps her arms around my neck, legs around my waist and I step closer.

“Ok.” She smiles at me and there’s nothing in the world I wouldn’t do to put that smile on her face every day for the rest of my life.

“What can I make you?”

“Hmmm,” she thinks about it for a minute and then replies, “An omelet.”

My eyebrows rise. “For dinner?” I ask incredulously.

“It’s not dinner time.” She looks at the clock. It reads six pm. “Oh, it is dinner time,” she pauses, “And I want an omelet.”

I sigh. “Ok fine, and omelet it is.”

The smile is back on her face. She slides her hand behind my neck and pulls me in until our mouths are barely separated. “I’m starving,” she whispers. I close the space between us and press my lips to hers.

I groan. “You’re trying to kill me woman.”

Grinning wickedly, she jumps of the counter and I slap her butt. She walks down the hallway and shimmies her hips for my benefit, a light laughter trailing behind her.

Tamsyn Bester's books