Beneath Your Beautiful (Beautiful, #1)

"Ok seriously guys, let's go before y'all do the deed right here," Demi quips. Our eyes meet and I shoot her a dirty look. She's making it too obvious and I don't need her spoiling my plans.

Grayson threads his fingers through mine and pulls me out the door. We head to the parking lot and I get in Grayson's truck, while Demi gets in Brody's. I'm not entirely sure why we're in two separate cars but don't bring it up. It works for me if Grayson and I will have the apartment to ourselves tonight.

Grayson pulls onto the road but heads in the opposite direction of Nicky's, which is where we decided to celebrate my birthday. "Where are we going?"

Grayson looks over at me. "I have to make a quick stop," is all he says. He's up to something. I can feel it.

Ten minutes later we pull up to the front of Uncle Alex and Aunt Emma's house. The drive way is lined with cars. Why would there be so many people here?

Brody and Demi pull up shortly after us and we all walk to the front door, not bothering to knock when we walk in. Grayson walks me straight outside and I almost jump out of my skin when everyone yells "Surprise!"

It's a party. For me.

Grayson kisses my temple and says, "Happy Birthday baby."

I look around and see that there are fairy lights hanging from every tree in the garden, making it look whimsical. There's a kissing booth, popcorn machine, cotton candy machine and photo booth, all strategically placed to make it look like a carnival. I told him once that I've never been to a carnival before but I've always wanted to go. I also told him that popcorn and candy floss are two of my favorite things at a carnival, along with the kissing booth and photo booth.

He remembered.

"You did this?"

He shrugs like it's no big deal but it's actually a pretty huge deal. Tears prick my eyes at his thoughtfulness. Before I can say anything more, my aunt approaches us and pulls me in for a hug. "Happy birthday sweetheart. Your mamma and daddy would've been so proud of you, just like we are." I bite the inside of my lip to stop the tears from coming at the mention of my parents. I want to enjoy my birthday and remember the happier times, rather than dwelling on my parents' absence. Uncle Alex walks up next and gives me a bear hug. "Happy birthday sweet girl." I smile up at him, seeing the same features that my father had. I take turns greeting everybody, some faces I know and others I'm meeting for the first time.

We spend the evening socializing and laughing and eventually I'm dragged to the kissing booth. I'm told that because I'm the birthday girl, everyone should get a kiss from me. Of course Grayson is last and kisses me far too inappropriately in front of all the guests. I playfully smack his chest but go in again for a quick peck. This causes the people around us to laugh. Being this playful with him feels natural, right.

After what I can only describe as a near perfect night, the guests start saying their goodbyes and soon it's just the six of us. I find it strange that Demi didn't leave with Tommy. But then again, I have a feeling she wants to spend more time with Brody, even if she acts like she can't stand him. We say goodbye to my aunt and uncle and I thank them for the best birthday ever. It wasn't even a milestone birthday, yet I was spoiled like turning nineteen is significant. I wish my parents could've been here to celebrate with me. Somehow I know they are, even if it's from above, amongst the millions of stars that light up the night sky. They're watching over me.

"You ready to go home?"

I look over at Grayson as he climbs into the drivers' seat of his truck. "Yes. Thank you Gray, for everything. It was the best birthday ever." I smile.

He laces our fingers together and kisses the back of my hand. The gesture is just so sweet, I melt a little.

"Anything for my beautiful girl," he says. "But it's not over yet."

No it isn't.

We arrive at my apartment building a short while later and as soon as we step into the apartment, my nerves surface. How do I initiate this? What if he doesn't want me like that?

Relax, I tell myself, He's not Jake

Grayson locks the door behind him and takes my hand in his. Wordlessly, he pulls me down the dark hallway leading to my room. "I'll be right back, wait here," he says, his voice soft and nervous. Does he know what's about to happen? I stand in front of my bed rather awkwardly and wait a few minutes before he reappears.

"I wanted to wait until we were alone to give this to you." He's standing in front of me holding a small box with a blue ribbon.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I hate the idea that he spent money on me.

"Of course I had to. I wanted to get you something special that will always remind you of me." His green eyes are bright and soft, filled with something I never expected to see when he looks at me.


I open the box. Inside is a silver chain with a pendant in the shape of a music note.

"Grayson, it's beautiful." And it really is.

"The music note reminded me of your voice, because after that first night I heard you sing, I was a goner."

I am deeply touched by his thoughtfulness, the time taken to find something so sentimental to him. To both of us.

Tamsyn Bester's books