Within minutes the rain was pouring down in buckets, soaking everyone to the bone. Jaz's hair glued to her face like dark rats tails, her t-shirt and shorts sticking to her body like an extra skin.
Skye came up behind her, helping to carry the last of the planks. In the rush, the wet plank Skye was holding slipped from her fingers about to fall on her foot.
Jaz turned fast to help her only to knock into someone's body, sending them both flying. Jaz hit the ground falling on top of the unfortunate person. She craned her head to the side, disorientated, blinking through the blinding raindrops to see if Skye was okay.
Skye had managed to catch the plank in time and was holding it, staring down at Jaz with nervous eyes. Jaz frowned, remembered she was on top of someone and sat up. The head of the person sprung up and Fraya's face was inches from hers, contorted into a terrifying glare.
Jaz had read more of Lora's diary - though she'd been too exhausted over the past week to read it in depth- and she knew enough about Fraya's temper to know what she was capable of. How she'd lashed out at Lora many times, had spread horrible rumours and turned people against her. At least until they found out the truth. When Nik had cleared a lot of the bullshit up.
Thinking about him only made her furious. She'd been stewing about him all week. Luckily, rather than distract her, it gave her the mental shove she needed to spring up and away from Fraya before the Were tried anything.
Jaz was about to say sorry but she clamped her jaw shut. No. I won't waste my breath. She thinks I'm weak, I'll prove that bitch wrong.
“You!” Fraya screeched.
Jaz flinched, her heels digging into the floor as she readied herself for Fraya's attack.
Instead, the pit bull opened her jaws, shouting profanities -some of which Jaz had never heard of, then stopped to shriek- “Stay the fuck away from me, y'hear?!”
Jaz felt the growling Beast within her and used it to change her trepidation to furious defiance. She was not going to be anyone's victim anymore. Until Hell froze over! she vowed. “How about you take your bony pit bull arse and psycho complex out of my face and back the fuck off!” she roared.
People stopped to see what was going on. A small few continued to cover the equipment and tools, pushing or carrying whatever they could under the shelter. The rest watched with hungry eyes, oblivious to the hammering rain. They were waiting for Fraya's reaction. Jaz noticed Skye had stepped back. It annoyed her, though right then she was too distracted to figure out why.
“You think you can take me on?” Fraya cackled.
Jaz didn't move. She studied the demonic pit bull for a moment and then thought to herself, This isn't you. Walk away, she's not worth it.
“I don't plan to, you're not worth it,” Jaz replied in a low voice, though she still didn't move. Something was holding her there. She began mentally fighting with herself.
Fraya grinned, blood lust in her eyes.
She wants you to fight her. Because she knows she'll kill you. Walk away. Now. She obeyed her rational voice and turned her back on Fraya. She saw some of the crowd gaping after her as she strutted away, fists clenched.
She glanced back to see Fraya's face warped into what could only be described as pure, undiluted rage. She looked about ready to pounce on Jaz when two strong hands clamped down on her shoulders.
“Don't even think about it, Fraya,” warned Carr.
Jaz looked forward and carried on walking.