All He Ever Desired (Kowalski Family, #5)

“I noticed. I like that about you.” He brushed his thumb over her nipple while lifting his knee so it pressed between her legs. “And I seem to remember telling you I’m better at showing than telling.”

When he lowered his head and sucked hard on the nipple he’d been gently rubbing, Lauren gasped. Her body arched, increasing the pressure against his knee, and she clutched his shoulders. He pushed at her ankle with his foot, parting her legs, and slid a hand between her body and his knee. It was too much and she tried to pull her thighs together, but his leg wouldn’t budge.

“I’m not finished touching you yet.”

This time he wasn’t holding her hands captive, so she touched him back. She trailed her fingertips down his back, then felt his abs tighten as she slid her left hand under the arm pinning her down so she could close her fingers around the hard length of him.

He sucked in a breath and muttered a stream of curses she took as a compliment. As he slid his finger inside her, she stroked him from base to tip and felt the low growl from his throat against her skin.

“You should stop doing that,” he said.

She threw his own words back at him. “I’m not finished touching you yet.”

He plunged his finger inside her, then rubbed her clit with his thumb until she was panting. “Come for me again and then you can touch me as much as you want while I’m inside of you.”

“No, I want to—” He was bossy and again she wanted to argue, but he nudged her legs further open and, before she could get any more words out, his tongue took over for his thumb and the words choked off.

Her fingers curled in the sheets. She tried to say his name, but it came out a whimper as he twisted his fingers, stretching her with his knuckles. All the while he licked and sucked at the sensitive flesh until her hands clenched into fists and all she could do was ride it out.

When she went limp, breathless once again, he knelt between her legs, a smug grin on his face. “Told you I’d make you come again.”

“Show-off.” She grabbed the condom wrapper off the nightstand and threw it at him.

“Told you I was better at showing,” he said, catching it before it bounced off his chest and tearing it open to roll the condom on. “Of course, if you’d rather stop and go have cake or something...”

She hooked her ankle behind his ass and pulled so he fell forward onto his hands. With them braced on either side of her head, he kissed her long and hard.

“So no cake,” he asked when he came up for air, leaning onto an elbow so he could run his other hand up her thigh.

“If I have to choose between you and cake, I’ll choose you.”

He kissed her again and she sighed against his mouth as he reached between their bodies and guided himself into her. As his tongue teased hers, he moved his hips so with each slow, steady stroke, he pushed further into her. Digging her fingernails into his back, she urged him deeper.

“You feel so good,” he said against her ear. “I don’t know if I’m going to last long enough to live up to those expectations.”

She smiled and turned her face to nip his earlobe. “You’re way better than the imaginary you was.”

He reached down and tucked his hand behind her knee, pulling her leg up. The change in angle allowed him to thrust deeper and she moaned when he filled her completely. “Now, when you close your eyes at night, you can think of the real me.”

His pace quickened and she rocked her hips, meeting him stroke for stroke. He let go of her knee and took her hand. He pressed it flat, palm to palm, on the bed beside her head and then curled his fingers around hers, interlocking their hands. Harder and deeper he took her until her entire world became the exquisite sensation of Ryan inside her.

The orgasm rocked her and she squeezed his hand, aware of his breath coming in ragged, hot bursts against her skin and the uneven thrusts as he found his own release. He collapsed on top of her and she wrapped her arms and legs around him to hold him close as the aftershocks rippled through his body.

After several minutes, he shifted and she sighed as he pulled out and away from her. When he didn’t stumble or swear getting to the bathroom and back, she realized half the lights in the house were still on. And she didn’t care.

He climbed back into bed and stretched out beside her with a groan. “That was way better than cake.”

“That was even better than a triple-layer fudge cake.” She pulled the covers up, trying to straighten them.

He hauled her against his chest and flicked the blankets over them both with a snap. “Honey, that was better than nachos and a beer at the ballpark watching the Sox spanking the Yankees in the ninth.”

His arms tightened around her and she melted against his chest, closing her eyes. And, as she drifted off to sleep, she was certain of one thing. Her fantasies would never be the same again.

Chapter Eleven

Shannon Stacey's books