All He Ever Desired (Kowalski Family, #5)

She shook her head. “I miss you guys, but my life’s in New Mexico. I’ll be making some changes, though, and one of them is coming home at least twice a year from now on.”

He reached across the center console and squeezed her hand. “That sounds like a good plan, but once Rosie knows Darren’s out of the picture, it’s only a matter of time before all your shit’s in a U-Haul headed east.”

“And that’s why you’re going to keep your mouth shut. I’m going to wait until it’s time to walk out the door and then tell her quick before we drive away. She’s less effective over the phone.”

“Keep telling yourself that.”

“Whatever. So tell me how the family’s all doing? Any good gossip?”

Since he couldn’t tell her Emma’s news, he told her about Kevin’s new business venture. And he told her about Nick and the vandalism and how Rosie was treating him like the grandchild she so desperately wanted.

“Isn’t he Lauren Carpenter’s son?” She said it casually enough, but she was full of crap. She knew full well who Nick was.


“So you must see a lot of her then. And she’s friends with Paige, isn’t she? I bet she’ll be at the wedding tomorrow.”


“Good. Somebody to dance with who doesn’t swim in the same DNA pool.”

“I’m not much for dancing,” he said.

“Not much to it. Hold her close and sway to the music, big brother.”

She was trying to kill him. There was no way in hell he was going to hold Lauren close and sway to the music, especially in front of his family.

He might think about it a lot, though. Later, when he was alone.


Lauren eyeballed the small mound of camping and ATV gear in the driveway. “You’re sure you have everything? It’s going to be cold at night.”

Nick gave her an exasperated look. “Yes, since you made me check everything off the list as I packed it and then you practically unpacked and repacked everything making sure.”

Dean and Jody were standing by Jody’s minivan and Lauren could hear Nick’s little brother and sister—five-year-old Alex and three-year-old Adrienne—squabbling in the backseat. Time to get the show on the road.

“Let’s get it loaded up then,” she said.

When they started picking up bags, Dean stepped forward to help and, within a few minutes, they were ready to take off for the long weekend. While she’d gotten used to not having her son around Saturdays and Sundays a long time ago, she still didn’t like it and always felt a pang in her chest when she hugged him goodbye.

“Have fun and be safe,” she said, trying not to squeeze him too hard.

“I will.” And she knew he would. Dean wasn’t always on the ball, but he didn’t mess around with the four-wheelers. Nick had as much safety gear as a motocross racer. “Have fun at the wedding.”

“Thanks, honey.” At least there was one day she wouldn’t rattle around the house alone. “I’ll see you Monday afternoon.”

Lauren waved until the minivan was out of sight and then rushed into the house to grab her purse and car keys. She was meeting Hailey at the library so they could go to the salon together and she was already running a few minutes behind.

When she got to the library, she saw Hailey locking the front door and got out of her car to read the sign taped to it. “‘Closed early for personal reasons. Reopening Tuesday morning as usual.’ How many people do you think are going to complain?”

“A few, but I don’t care. There’s been a sign up at the circulation desk for a week and I’ve told everybody I could think of, so I did what I could.”

“Well, let’s go because we’re running late.”

“I don’t even know why we’re spending the time and money,” Hailey said once she was buckled up. “I think the only single, non-Kowalski guys that are going to be there will be Drew Miller and his dad. Drew’s not divorced yet, plus Mallory’s my friend so he’s permanently out, and his dad’s too old.”

“This was your idea.”

“I know. It sounded like fun at the time. Today it’s just reminding me I have nobody to look hot for.”

“Why are you discounting the Kowalskis? Josh is single. And hot.”

“I’m discounting him because someday he’s going to wake the hell up and realize he’s in love with Katie Davis and I’d rather not be his girlfriend or, God forbid, wife, when that happens.” She turned sideways a little so she could stare at Lauren. “I notice you didn’t mention Ryan. Any particular reason you don’t think I should hook up with him?”

There wasn’t a damn thing she could do about the blush, but she tried to sound as nonchalant as possible. “He lives in Mass. You live here. Would never work out.”

“Perfect for a short, smoking hot sexfest, though, don’t you think?”

Shannon Stacey's books