A Mad Zombie Party

She slaps my shoulder. “Why are girls bitches and boys authoritative?”

“Because we rule, and you drool.”

“You did not just say that.” She rolls her eyes.

“Had I been here,” I say, wrapping my arms around her, holding her the way I plan to hold her for the rest of our lives, “things would have gone down differently.”

“Oh, yeah?” Her voice is low and husky.

“Oh, yeah. You are the most important part of my life, and I protect what’s mine.”

Her body softens, her legs parting to make a cradle for me. “So you’re keeping me? Forever?”

“Forever...to start.” I nip at her lips. “Mills, maybe I failed to make it clear. I’m never letting you go.”


Milla and I leave the bedroom only once, and we do it only because we’re dying of hunger. Once she’s fed, she tells me she can finally think straight and she’s no longer certain she should live in the mansion.

She’s teasing, I know, but I protest. A lot. We spend a hot, sweaty hour negotiating. In the end, we are both exhausted, and we agree she’ll live here, and I’ll do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and I’ll like it.

You know, I kinda feel like I got the better end of the deal.

But now we’re hungry again. I leave her lounging in bed, excited about the future, my head buzzing with plans. I head to the kitchen to fix up her favorite bowl of SpaghettiOs and bake—or try to bake—red velvet brownies. The rest of the house is still in bed, and I’m going to romance the hell out of my girl, take her on her very first date.

“Hello, Frosty.”

I almost drop the bags of sugar and flour, but manage to set them on the counter before I face Kat. “Hey.”

She smiles at me. “I came to say congratulations on your victory.”

“We couldn’t have done it without you.”

“I know.”

I laugh. Such a Kat response.

“I just came to tell you that I’m glad you ended up with Milla,” she says. “You two fit in a way we never did. One day you would have resented me for my fears, for trying to keep you out of danger, and I knew it.”


“No, don’t try to deny it.” She hurries on before I can respond. “I’m glad you’re at peace, Frosty. You deserve a happily-ever-after.”

“So do you.”

“Don’t worry. It’s not too late.” She blows me a kiss. “Well, I better go. Petitions to file, people to help.” She turns, and I realize Milla is standing in the doorway. “If you ever need advice about the best ways to torture him, all you have to do is call for me. Kat to the rescue!” She’s gone a second later.

“Hi,” I say with a little wave. “I woke up, you weren’t there...”

Frosty smiles at me, and it’s the warmest, sweetest smile I’ve ever seen. It lights me up inside. “Come here.”

I close the distance, and he folds me in his arms. “I know I can’t replace Kat,” I say.

He kisses the tip of my nose. “You don’t need to replace her, sweet pea. There’s room in my heart for both of you.”

Those words... Room in my heart. They hit me and hit hard, because they are so beyond right. Not just for him, but for me. A heart can be filled with love or it can be filled with hate, but never both. The two emotions simply cannot coexist—like light and shadow, one always chases the other away. I can’t love Frosty and hate myself for my past sins; I have to make a choice. Hold on to love or hold on to hate.

Like I really need to think about it. I’ll always choose Frosty.

I have to forgive myself. Finally. I have to let go, just like River said.

I told my brother it would be impossible. I was so certain the past had its claws buried deep. But that’s not true, is it? The past is nothing but a memory. I sank my claws in it.

Closing my eyes, I rest my forehead on Frosty’s shoulder. I inhale...exhale. Letting go doesn’t have to be some grand gesture, I admit now, just a flip of a switch inside my mind. A decision to do and follow through.

I flip the switch.

I don’t actually feel any different, but that’s okay. Feelings always follow action.

Frosty combs his hands through my hair. “You okay?”

“I am. I really am.” I meet his gaze and smile.

He cups my cheeks, his thumbs stroking my flushing skin. “I’m a slave to that smile.”

I melt against him. “You’re also an amazing boyfriend.”

“I know.”

“And modest.”

He winks at me. “I hope you’re ready to have your mind blown, because I’m taking you on a date. I was going to call you down in an hour, when I had all your favorites on the table. Plus candles. And rose petals. And soft music playing in the background. After dinner, I thought I’d take you to a movie. You know, act normal for a change.”

My mouth drops. A date. Our first. My first.

If I didn’t already love this boy...

Gena Showalter's books