A Lover's Vow

“That’s kind of you to do that. I understand you’re retiring sometime next year.”

“Yes,” George said, his smile returning. “My wife, Cora, and I plan to take one of those Mediterranean cruises. For fourteen whole days. At least, we hope to do so. We’ve both been saving our money to make it happen, but she had to have a hip replacement earlier this year, so we need to try harder to reach our financial goal.”

Dalton decided then and there that regardless of whether George reached his financial goal for the trip, he would make the cruise happen for him and his wife...as a retirement gift from Granger.

He ended up talking to George way past what was needed, because he was enjoying conversing with him so much. George was proud of his two daughters and couldn’t help boasting about his four grandsons. Dalton wished there were more employees at Granger like George, those who felt a deep loyalty to the company.

When his cell phone vibrated, he knew it was Bruce sending a signal that he was through with what he needed to do. “Well, George, I won’t let this be my last time visiting. I enjoyed our talk.”

A smile spread across the older man’s features. “I enjoyed it, as well, Mr. Granger. Reminded me of old times with your daddy.”

A few moments later, when Dalton walked toward the elevator, he decided that he would also pay a visit to the strawberry patch next time he visited Sutton Hills. Since George liked strawberries, there was no need to let any of them go to waste.


Ben Bradford eased out of bed to sit on the side. For some reason, Jules was on his mind. His daughter was up to something, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what. She was planning to find out who really killed Sylvia Granger. And knowing Jules, she would find that person or die trying...and it was the latter that had him worried. Especially after what Shana had shared with him regarding what Sheppard had told his sons. He had reason to believe the last PI trying to prove his innocence died a questionable death. There was no way in hell Ben would let his daughter be at risk. But then, he knew that Jules had a mind of her own. She always had and always would.

If he thought there was some way he could talk her out of pursuing this, he would. Or at least try. Jules knew this, which was probably the main reason she hadn’t mentioned anything to him or her sister about what she was doing. And she wouldn’t until she thought they needed to know. Right now she was keeping quiet as a church mouse.

“Ben, are you all right?”

He glanced over his shoulder at Mona as she pulled herself up to a sitting position in bed. He would never tire of looking at her. She was simply beautiful. He eased back in bed and drew her into his arms. “Yes, baby, I’m fine. I was just thinking about Jules.”

“Jules? What about Jules? She’s okay?”

She better be, he thought. Anyone who hurts a hair on my daughter’s head will have to answer to me. “I’m sure she is. I haven’t heard from her in the last couple of days. I know she’s busy working on a case.”

Mona pulled away slightly and looked up at him. “A case? But I thought she said she was getting some rest until after the holidays.”

“I think she changed her mind. A case was brought to her attention that she feels she needs to handle.”

“Oh.” Mona went back into his arms and cuddled closer to him. “Is that why you’re frowning?”

Ben didn’t say anything for a minute. “And how did you know I was frowning?”

Mona went completely still and didn’t say anything. Ben drew back to look into her face. “When were you going to tell me you’d gotten your sight back?”

Brenda Jackson's books