A Lover's Vow

After returning home from Steeplechase, Jules took a three-hour nap. When she woke up, it was to find it had already grown dark outside. Hungry, she decided to order takeout and figured Chinese sounded good.

She had called Manning earlier and asked him to pull a report on Ivan Greene as well as his parents. What if Imerson had discovered the senior Greene’s alibi wouldn’t wash and they hadn’t been on a cruise at the time of Sylvia Granger’s death as they’d claimed? And from all accounts, Ivan would have been twenty-six or twenty-seven at the time. What if he’d learned of his father’s affair with Sylvia and had gone to the boathouse to confront his father’s lover? What if things had turned ugly? Violent? Deadly?

With the election in a few weeks, Ivan Greene’s face was everywhere—on television and billboards—encouraging voters to vote for him for mayor. A native son. Harvard graduate. A person who truly cared for the betterment of the city. Typical politician with promises galore. According to the polls, he was leading his opponent, so he might just end up being Charlottesville’s next mayor.

Jules was about to look up the number for the nearest Chinese takeout restaurant when her phone rang. It was Dalton. Should she answer it? Sure, why not answer it? If you don’t feel like being bothered, just let him know. At that moment, she definitely didn’t feel like being bothered. He had crept into her thoughts too many times today. Memories of each and every time they’d made love had overwhelmed her at some of the oddest moments. Made her hot, made her smile, made her want to drown in his flavor. That was too much Dalton Granger to suit her. Definitely more than she’d experienced with any other man she’d been involved with.

She answered the phone. “Yes, Dalton?”

“Busy day?”

Her shoulders eased a bit. Why did hearing the sound of his voice do that to her? And why did his voice have to sound so soothing...and sexy? “Yes, it was busy. What about yours?”

“Crappy is more like it. My house was filled with a lot of people most of the day. Jace, Caden, Shana, Bruce, Marcel and Percy—all trying to make heads or tails of what’s going on with the company and all that technology exploitation.”

“I’m sure Marcel or Bruce will figure it out.”

“Hell, I hope so. For once, I’d like to be a part of a company that’s not in the red and not faced with greedy employees trying to steal from it. And on top of everything else, Caden mentioned that Evil Eve is coming to town.”

Jules knew that Jace’s first wife was named Eve but that Dalton preferred calling her Evil Eve.

“Any particular reason why?”

“I think she’s afraid Vidal is going to name her as an accessory, and she wants to convince Jace she wasn’t involved.”

Jules snorted. “Depends on what you mean by involved. I’d think having an affair with Vidal constitutes involvement.”

“Eve doesn’t think the way most people do.”

“Well, Jace isn’t the one she should be convincing of her innocence. I’d think she should be worried about the prosecutors.”

He paused a minute. “What are you doing for dinner?”

“Nothing.” And just in case he had any ideas about joining her, she quickly put them to rest. “I ordered takeout. Chinese.”

“Oh. And how did things go with your interview of Leigh Imerson?”

She hesitated, not yet ready to tell him what she’d found out. First she wanted to read the report on Ivan Greene that Manning was pulling together. But still, it wouldn’t hurt hearing what he knew about the man. “It went well. She said her husband didn’t bring work home or talk about any of his cases with her.”

“So she was a dead end.”

I wouldn’t say that. “For now, I’m moving on to the next person on my list, Ivan Greene. What do you know about him?”

“Nothing, really. He’s running for mayor, and if you want to believe the polls, he has a strong chance of winning. I’m sure you know his father supposedly had an affair with my mother.”

Brenda Jackson's books