A Lover's Vow

Jules paused before clicking over. “Hi, Shiloh. Everything okay?”

“I was just wondering if you had been able to reach my mother. You said you wanted to interview her.”

Jules sat down behind her desk. “I did try her after our meeting this morning, but her secretary said she wasn’t taking any calls.”

“Margaret is instructed to tell everyone that...everyone but Sedrick, me and a few others. I called Mom myself, and she has agreed to see me, although she has no idea what our discussion will be about. Would you care to join me, since I will want to ask her the same questions you probably have?”

Jules smiled. “I’d definitely like to join you. What time?”

“Let’s say in an hour? Can you meet me at Shady Pines, my family estate? You won’t be able to go through the security gates without me.”

“No problem. I will be parked outside the gates, waiting for you.”


Carson glanced across the table at Sheppard. “So there you have it. Jules Bradford has decided to reopen the investigation into Sylvia’s death, with or without your blessing.”

Sheppard leaned back in his chair and pursed his lips. “I’d prefer that she stay out of it, Carson.”

“I figured you would feel that way, but I think her mind is made up. Shana is her sister, and she wants to find the real killer before he gets crazy.”

“As far as I’m concerned, the person who killed Sylvia is definitely crazy. She was murdered fifteen years ago, and if the person is fearful the investigation is being reopened, that means he will do anything to make sure that doesn’t happen. That young lady is risking her life for me.”

“Her future father-in-law.”

“What? Things are that serious?”

Carson chuckled. “Yes, but I doubt either of them knows it yet. But it was pretty obvious to me and, I think, to others in that meeting.”

She paused a moment and then said, “I got a call from Jace this morning, and he wanted me to let you know two things.”

“Which are?”

“First it seems Eve Granger came to town Friday and was caught on tape trying to extort money from Granger Aeronautics.”


“By threatening to go public with the fact that Hannah and your father were involved. She asked for one million dollars.”

Sheppard let out a whistle. “Is she crazy?”

“Apparently. But, like I said, she was caught on tape, and the Feds came to arrest her.”

Sheppard nodded. “Good. I hate the fact that Jace ever married her in the first place. She caused him nothing but heartbreak. And as far as Dad’s and Hannah’s involvement, what they did was their business. How did Eve find out?”

“I think Vidal Duncan told her. It’s my understanding that Jace and Caden already knew, but Dalton clearly did not.”

“How did he handle finding out?”

“According to Jace, he was upset at first that everyone knew but him, but then he was fine with it. Your sons adore Hannah.”

“Yes, and she adores them.” Sheppard leaned closer to her. “You said there were two things. What’s the other?”

Carson paused a minute and then said, “While looking at videos of Shana’s dinner party and Shiloh’s open house, Jules might have stumbled across something interesting.”


“The man Dalton saw Sylvia with that day at the boathouse? Dalton was with Jules the night she was watching the video, and he pointed him out to her. His name is Vance Clayburn.”

“Vance Clayburn?” Sheppard asked, startled.

Carson watched his expression. “Yes. Do you know him?”

Sheppard’s expression may have been unreadable to others, but Carson was able to see the anger that tightened his jaw and shadowed his eyes. “Yes, I know him.”


“His computer company once put in a bid to provide computer services at Granger Aeronautics.”


Brenda Jackson's books