A Lover's Vow

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, Dalton. You and your brothers always thought Hannah was so precious, so upright, so damned sacred,” Eve admonished with a smirk.

“Dalton is right, Eve, there’s nothing you can tell us about Hannah that will change that,” Jace said. “Now, we’ll have security escort you out. Remember what I said about never coming back. If you do, I’ll have you arrested for trespassing.”

When everyone followed Jace’s lead and headed for the door, an angry Eve sprang from her seat. “Wait! You all need to know that your grandfather Richard and your precious Hannah were having an affair...which is probably why he left her so damned much in his will, and—”

“He left you, the ex-granddaughter-in-law, nothing? Not a single dime for having to put up with the Grangers?” Jace said angrily. “Is there nothing you won’t stoop to? And, what my grandfather and Hannah did was their own damned business.”

“That might be true, but it won’t look good if word gets out just what was going on at Sutton Hills. You know how people like to gossip. Richard’s dead, but dear, sweet Hannah is very much alive and enjoying all that stuff good old Richard left her. I don’t think Granger Aeronautics needs such a scandal, do you? It will die down eventually, but just think of the sensationalism until then. However, I’d be willing to keep my mouth shut about it for...let’s say a million dollars.”

The room became deathly quiet as everyone stared at Eve, who merely stared back with a smirk on her face. When the silence lengthened, she said, “It seems you might need to have a family meeting to discuss this. Just keep in mind that the price might go up if I have to wait too long.”

Finally Jace spoke, his voice nearly trembling in anger. “There’s nothing to discuss. I can’t believe you’re trying to extort money from us.”

Eve waved her hand. “Granger Aeronautics has plenty of money to spare and still have enough for any future Grangers to have a good life. So spare me the sad song.”

Jace didn’t say anything, and it appeared that he was actually considering the idea. “So for a million dollars you’re offering to keep quiet?” he asked, as if for clarification.

Triumph gleamed in Eve’s eyes. “That’s right. I want a million, or else I will tell everything I know. And, of course, I will embellish the parts that I don’t know. Just think how such a scandal might rock the company, shake the shareholders, especially when you’re trying to get the company back on its feet. So do we have a deal?”

Jace stared at her, and the anger and loathing he felt toward his ex-wife were apparent, not in his features or in his stance. But it was radiating off him in waves, and there wasn’t a person in the room who didn’t feel it. Except, of course, for Eve, who was gloating too much to notice.

Then Jace asked in a loud voice, “Did you get all that, Herb?”

A voice answered from a speaker system somewhere in the room. “Yes, Mr. Granger, we got it all, loud and clear.”

“Thanks.” Jace then glanced over at Eve, who had a shocked look on her face. “Extortion is a federal offense. Thanks to my security team, we have all the proof we need about your despicable behavior. The authorities have been notified and are on their way.” He and the others turned to leave.

“Jace! Wait! Surely you aren’t going to let anyone arrest me?”

When there was a knock on the door, Dalton opened it, and two federal agents walked in. Jace glanced back over at Eve. “You think not? Watch me.”


Dalton was furious and rounded on his brothers the minute the three of them were alone. “The two of you knew what had been going on with Granddad and Hannah and didn’t say anything? You didn’t tell me?”

Caden leaned back against the table, seemingly not bothered by his brother’s outrage. “Just like you didn’t tell us what was going on with Mom and some man?”

Brenda Jackson's books