A Lover's Vow

“Not without a motive,” Shana interjected.

“If he needs a motive, then I’ll give him one,” Dalton said angrily, not liking the fact that Jules had confronted Greene by herself. If he was the killer, then the man was stone crazy, and crazy people would do just about anything. “His father was fooling around with Mom, and his mother finds out. I understand Ivan and his mother have a close relationship.” Like I thought I had with my mom. “If he felt our mother had wronged his mother, I can see him meeting with Mom, confronting her and threatening her if she doesn’t stay away from his dad,” he went on.

“But how did he get your father’s gun?” Shana asked.

Dalton glanced over at her, letting out a frustrated sigh. “Good question.”

“I’m not saying Ivan did it,” Jules said, reclaiming everyone’s attention. “All I’m saying is that I think he has some connection to the whole business. I asked why he was interested in Imerson’s investigative report, but he wouldn’t tell me. He danced around the question, but I let him know I planned to keep digging until I came up with answers. A good cop—or ex-cop—doesn’t operate on assumptions but on facts, and I intend to further my investigation and get those facts. I just thought I’d let you know what information I’d accumulated so far.”

“You’ve done a lot. We appreciate it, and you will be compensated,” Jace said, standing up and speaking for everyone.

“That’s not necessary.”

“It is necessary,” Jace countered. “We are planning to meet with Carson tomorrow at the office, and we still plan to do that. If you don’t mind, I’d like you to join us at that meeting. It’s at two o’clock.”

“Thanks. I’ll be there.”

“And just as long as you know, Jules,” Shana said as she stood, “I’m not exactly overjoyed about your handling this investigation, but I know if anyone can find the real killer, it will be you. And, in a way, that’s what terrifies me, because that person is someone who’s determined not to be found.”


Thirty minutes later, Jules was less than a mile away from Dalton’s home when her cell phone rang. She knew who was calling. “What do you want, Dalton?”

“You. Turn around and come back.” And then he clicked off the phone.

Jules’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. Just who does he think he is to issue an order like that? Do I look like someone who’s happy to be at his beck and call? Do I look like someone who lets a man say jump and then merely ask how high? Do I—

She then made a quick U-turn convincing herself that she would go back but only to give Dalton a piece of her mind and nothing else. She arrived and parked her car next to Stonewall’s. He glanced up from whatever book he was reading.

“I forgot something,” she muttered when she walked past his car.

He smiled. “Whatever you say.”

She frowned and continued toward Dalton’s front door. As soon as she lifted her hand to knock, the door opened, and she gasped when she was pulled inside and the door slammed shut behind her.


Dalton backed Jules up against the door, grabbing her wrists and holding them high above her head while molding his hard body to the softness of hers. However, he made sure to hold her where she couldn’t knee him in the groin as she’d threatened before.

“What do you think you’re doing, Dalton?” she said angrily, while looking him dead in the eyes.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I want you. I told you to come back, and you did.”

“I didn’t come back for this. I came back to give you a piece of my mind.”

Brenda Jackson's books