A Beautiful Choice (Beautiful, #5)

“I know,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her and held on.

Once a year definitely wasn’t enough for all of us to see each other. But we would appreciate it and not take it for granted when it came every year. Gabe and I saw Ash and Jason more often because the four of us still lived in Maryland. We tried to get together at least once a month or so. Ash and Jason had a little boy named Samuel soon after they had the twins, Bennett and Jaylin. I was surprised they had him so fast after that. Twins were hard enough, but they were happy, and that was all that mattered. They were having issues for a while. Not because they didn’t love each other, but because at times it seemed like their lives were a mess. But they made something like a mess beautiful. They were the only ones who could do that.

Jade and Neil lived in Florida with their children, Matthew and Daniella. Jade was the top plastic surgeon in the state of Florida and Neil had his own music business. I was so happy for Jade. I knew when I met her in college that it would take someone really strong to break down her walls. I was so happy when she met Neil. I remember the day of our graduation when Jade spilled to all of us that she proposed to Neil. And honestly? It didn’t surprise me. I think that’s what Jade needed to do. Jade was one of those girls that needed to make the important decisions. Not that she walked all over Neil, because from the stories she told me about their sex life, it was un-fucking-believable. That also didn’t surprise me in the least.

Patrick and Derrick lived in New York with their adopted daughter Priscilla. Patrick was an illustrator with this publishing house for children’s books and Derrick was a sports anchor. While we went to the lake house every summer to meet up with everyone, when gay marriage became legalized, that summer we went to the Caribbean, where Patrick and Derrick had their ceremony.

I couldn’t believe that it was against the law for two men or two women to get married. To be honest, it sickened me when you read about marriages lasting twelve hours and then you saw people like Patrick and Derrick who were together for almost four years and they couldn’t get married.

Ryder and Isabelle lived in Nevada. It wasn’t their top choice, but Ryder became this big tattoo artist. None of us were really surprised when Ryder and Isabelle told us they were moving to Nevada, Las Vegas, to be exact. They lived in the suburbs and Ryder had to commute to work every day. What was once a dream of him owning tattoo parlors throughout Nevada was now real. Isabelle was still a huge author. All of her books were New York Times bestsellers and I couldn’t be more proud of her. I knew when I was reading her first book, before it was even published or she was thinking about the process, that she was going to be big someday.

“Where is everyone else?” I asked Jade.

Waving her hand, she said, “Ash, Jason, Patrick, Derrick, and Neil are all out on the back deck. The kids are playing in the water.”

Smirking, I asked, “Where are Ryder and Iz?”

“Oh, you know those two! They’re always late, so they probably won’t be here till late tonight. Those two and their grand ideas.”

Letting out a laugh, I said, “Yeah.”

“Well, come on, Sarah! Let’s go out on the deck,” Jade said as she grabbed my hand and started to walk towards the back.


We were just getting all of the food ready for dinner when the door swung open and Ryder yelled, “We’re finally here!”

“Hey!” everyone screamed in unison.

With bags in both hands, Ryder was pushed out of the way by three little ones. Idea, Gavin, and Jase came running through the door, screeching and yelling that they were finally here. Geez. I wonder who they got that from?

Finally walking in through the front door, Iz looked exhausted as she said, “Hey, everybody.”

I couldn’t believe she was already five months pregnant. They were having a little girl this time and Iz told us that this one would be their last. After this she was going to make Ryder get his tubes tied. In her own words, “I love fucking my husband, but I can’t have any more kids. I’m going to have five kids—Ryder included.”

Setting all of the bags down by the front door, Ryder wrapped his arms around Iz and kissed her on the cheek. Looking up at him, she gave a small smile and let out a sigh of relief. They were popping out kids like it was nobody’s business. And my God did those two love each other.

I couldn’t take it anymore. Waddling over, I wrapped my arms around Ryder. He was and will always be my best friend. We weren’t even friends, anymore. We were family. All of us. And I wouldn’t change it for anything.

Emily McKee's books