
Chapter 6

Tessa stood in an angry pose, foot tapping, glaring at Jared. They were inside what they called the warehouse, which looked more like a workout gym. Thank God there had been no pings in the car, because Bobby would have had a shit fit. But she was still ticked off and it showed.

“Tessa chill out.” Adam stood beside her. “The car is fine.”

“He doesn’t have a driver’s license Adam.” Tessa replied still glaring at the warrior who was now on the phone.

“Give me a freakin break.” Adam snorted. “How many times did you sneak out, push Gramp’s car down the driveway and go for a cruise before you had your driver’s license? Hum?”

“That was different.” Tessa defended.

“Oh yeah and how’s that?” Adam shot back.

Glancing up at her brother she elbowed him in the stomach. “Shut up.”

Adam laughed, rubbing where she had hit him. “Listen Tessa, I think these guys might really want to help us. The car is fine so just cool it…okay?” He knew all about her red head temper, had been a victim of it many times.

Shrugging her shoulder she waited a minute before she nodded. “He’s just lucky he didn’t do damage. Bobby would kill me, then I’d have to stake his ass to a wall.”

“You never did answer me.” Adam frowned. “What did you promise Bobby because I know that scumbag wouldn’t have just given up his keys?”

Tessa really didn’t want to bring it up here because she knew Adam hated Bobby. Thankfully, the warriors headed their way. “Here they come.”

“Don’t make me have to pry Tessa, cause I will.” Adam warned.

“You promised not to read me.” Tessa pointed at him. “You better not break that promise Adam Samuel Pride.”

“What you gonna do….ground me?” Adam teased rolling his eyes. “Send me to my room?” He gave her a nudge which sent her flying into the wall.

Jared was there in a flash, stepping between them. “Hey, you need to be more careful.” He looked at Tessa who was rubbing her arm. “You okay?”

“Yeah, he didn’t mean it.” Tessa defended her brother.

“Sorry Tess.” Adam looked sheepish and a little embarrassed.

“I know he didn’t, but he still needs to be careful. He isn’t use to the strength he has yet.” Jared looked her over before turning his attention to her brother. “You ready to talk?”

Adam nodded at them all. “Actually you all know about as much as we do.” Adam nodded toward the other five half-breeds. “We were all taken at some point. I think we were drugged because I don’t remember much. I do remember Chad Evans and there were two other guys, but I never did see them.”

“I just remember waking up in a room lying on a steel table.” One boy who looked to be sixteen added. “Everything was fuzzy, but I do remember them injecting me with something.”

Duncan and Jared glanced at each other. “What’s your name?” Duncan asked the boy who looked scared to death.

“Matt Reed.” He replied glancing at Tessa who nodded in support.

“Do you all remember being injected with something?” Duncan asked writing in a notebook.

They all nodded. “It burned really bad like my insides were on fire.” Another boy, Dillon, who looked to be the youngest answered, his face scrunched up remembering the pain. “When I couldn’t take the pain anymore I guess I passed out.”

“What happened when you woke up?” Jared asked watching them all closely.

“It’s hard to explain.” Adam answered this time. “It was like nothing had changed, I was me, but different with fangs, strong, more aware of everything and hungry.” His eyes quickly shot to Tessa’s then away just as fast.

Jared could understand that. He remembered the day he was changed like it was yesterday. “Did they inject you more than once?”

“Not sure.” Adam replied. “I only remember the one time.”

“How did you get away?” Duncan kept writing in his notebook, but when they didn’t answer he glanced up at them. They were all staring at Tessa.

“Tessa got us out.” Dillon replied shuffling his feet.

“You were there?” Jared frowned, his eyes narrowed. This was new information. “Why aren’t you changed like them?” He was glad that she hadn’t been changed, but suspicious of why.

Tessa flushed looking away. “They were waiting for something different to inject me with.”

“They told you this?” Jared’s eyebrow cocked.

“They didn’t really seem to care what they said in front of any of us. Adam and the rest were drugged. I wasn’t. I was blindfolded, but could hear everything.”

“I don’t understand why they didn’t change you with them.” Duncan frowned, glancing at them all then down at Tessa who blushed again.

She shrugged her shoulder looking away from them all. “Don’t know.”

“She’s lying.” Damon accused. “Are you in on it with them? Why else would you keep something like that from us?” Damon demanded, his usual scowl planted firmly on his face.

“Because I don’t trust you.” Tessa hissed. “You arrogant son of a b….”

“Whoa there.” Damon’s mate, Nicole, walked into the warehouse stopping in front of Tessa. “That’s my man you’re talking to.”

“My condolences.” Tessa snorted looking around the woman to glare at Damon.

Nicole cocked an eyebrow trying to hide a smile. “What did he do?”

“What do you mean what did I do?” Damon growled stepping up behind his mate. “What makes you think I did anything?”

“Because I know you.” Nicole tossed over her shoulder. “You have a way about you that pisses people off.”

Damon glared at Jared. “What the hell?”

“Don’t look at me, bro.” Jared threw his hands up. “You mated with her.”

Nicole stood staring at Tessa then leaned closer to her even though she knew every vampire in the building could hear what she was about to say. “Trust them. They can be total a*sholes, but they’re the good guys.”

“Why should I trust you?” Tessa eyed the woman wanting to believe her, but didn’t know who to trust. Since this happened trust wasn’t even in her vocabulary anymore.

Nicole flashed her a smile showing fangs, then glanced around her at the warriors. “I really think I’m gonna like her.” Nicole turned back around to stare at Tessa with eyes the golden hue of a vampire. “You need to trust me because if you have to deal with these guys you’re going to want me on your side. I know their weaknesses and I give them more crap than anyone has a right to.”

For the first time since this whole ordeal happened Tessa felt a genuine smile beam across her face. She immediately liked this woman. Glancing at Jared she saw him staring at her, his intense stare puzzled her. “That may come in handy.” Tessa replied pulling her gaze from Jared.

Nicole nodded with a wink. “Oh believe me it will.” Nicole stuck her hand out. “Nicole Callahan, soon to be Mrs. Damon DeMasters.”

Tessa took the woman’s hand. “Tessa Pride.”

Nicole turned toward Damon and Jared with a ‘get with the program’ smile. “You’re welcome.” She told them taking a step back.

“Mrs. Damon DeMasters?” Jared’s widened eyes shot back and forth between Damon and Nicole.

Sticking her hand out, Nicole displayed the diamond rock on her finger. “He’s mine now.” Nicole grinned, happiness glowing from every pore.

Giving Nicole a quick hug and peck on the cheek he turned to Damon slapping him on the back. “Congrats my man.” He grinned, truly happy for his friend. “When’s the big day?”

“I wanted to do it like now.” Nicole frowned. “But Damon wants me to have a real wedding.”

“Which you deserve.” Jared agreed. He watched Duncan and Sid congratulate the couple before his eyes landed on Tessa. She stood by her brother watching, a tiny wistful smile playing at her lips. She was absolutely beautiful with her unguarded expression. He wondered suddenly if she had a man in her life. An unexpected growl rose inside of him at that thought.

Tessa watched from a distance as her brother and the others worked together with the warriors. The woman, Nicole, worked with them also, seeming to really care about the kid’s wellbeing, from where they were going to be staying to making sure they were being treated fair by the warriors. Her opinion of the long haired warrior, Damon, had changed slightly. He was still scary as hell, but his whole personality had changed when Nicole had walked in the room.

Glancing at her phone she sighed. She really wanted to get Bobby’s car back before he left the bar for the night. She so did not want to pull up to his house.

“In a hurry?” Jared smiled down at her.

“Actually I am.” Tessa felt crowded by his presence, his stare was so intense it made her feel cornered with no way out. “I need to get my boss’s car back before the bar closes.”

Glancing at his watch Jared put one hand on the wall where she was leaning resting his weight. “Well as soon as you tell me what you know you can go.”

“Um, I think I did that.” Tessa frowned inching sideways away from him and his delicious smell.

“Um, I don’t think you did.” He tossed back at her, inching his own way closer to her. “What was Chad talking about, they had plans for you? I know you weren’t drugged so you had to have heard something.”

Tessa shot a quick glance at her brother who was watching them, he gave a nod. Glancing back up, she leaned her head against the wall. “They were waiting for something to give me. I don’t know what it was, but from what I could understand I was to be their very own half-breed maker.”

“They were going to turn you into a breeder?” Jared didn’t hide his shock well. “Are you sure about that?”

“Ah, yeah.” Tessa’s lips pinched in a thin irritated line. “A girl doesn’t misunderstand something like that.”

“How did you get away?” Jared’s mood turned darker.

“I was strapped to a table blindfolded. They never left us alone, but Chad got a phone call and took off.” Tessa shrugged her shoulder. “I had an accident when I was younger and can dislocate my shoulder easily. So I did and was able to get that arm out to untie the straps.”

“Can you remember anything else?” Respect vibrated in his voice.

“No, that’s about it.” Tessa sucked at lying, or at least sucked lying to people who knew her and well, he didn’t know her. Thank God, because she still didn’t know who she could trust and until she did her secret would stay under wraps.

“I think we just found a link between the half-breeds.” Damon walked up his arm around Nicole.

“I thought the last name Pride was familiar.” Nicole looked at Tessa. “My co-worker Pam Braxton worked your brother’s case a while back.”

“That’s right.” Tessa nodded remembering Pam. She had been great when Tessa and Adam found themselves in a mess after their mother was killed and their father took off. Pam had fought tooth and nail to keep Adam out of the system and under Tessa’s care. “They wanted to put Adam in foster care, but she fought to keep him with me. She was great.”

Nicole nodded, a frown tilting her mouth down. “It seems she had all of these boys cases at one time or another. Every one of these kids has been through the Social Service Department.”

Jared frowned, cursing under his breath. “Where is she?”

“I tried to call, but it went to voicemail.” Nicole replied, glancing at Damon. “I’m worried. She always has her phone on.”

“Maybe she’s on the line.” Damon soothed pulling her closer. “She’ll call back. If not we’ll head over.”

Nicole nodded, then her eyes narrowed staring behind Jared and Tessa. “Why in the hell are they here?” Nicole hissed pulling away from Damon.

Tessa looked around Jared to see who Nicole was talking about. Walking in the door was four of the most beautiful women Tessa had ever seen. Dressed scantily in fine designer clothes, the women walked in like they owned the place, smiling at anything with a penis. Tessa, not usually one to judge, didn’t like them on sight.

“Now hold on Nicole.” Jared sighed. “These boys need to feed. None of them have fed since being turned. They need pure blood.”

“Feed?” Tessa looked at the women when it suddenly dawned on her. “Ewe. Okay that’s definitely my sign to hit the road.” She picked up her bag.

The women walked past, giving Damon and Jared flirtatious pouty smiles.

One stopped in front of Damon. “Hello Damon. It’s been a while.” Her eyes ran down his body, clearly ignoring his growling mate by his side. “You’re looking delish.”

“You best be moving your ass right on out of here.” Nicole shot forward only to be stopped by Damon. “I’m not the same chick you messed with a while back. I will beat your nasty fanged ass.”

The woman laughed, but hatred flared out of her golden eyes. “You may have golden eyes and fangs honey, but you will never be enough woman for him. He will come back to me.”

Tessa gasped at the woman’s cruel words. Nicole was cursing, trying to get past Damon as the woman stood laughing. Glancing at Jared she saw a beautiful dark haired woman with her hand running up and down his arm as she whispered something in his ear. Hot steaming anger hit her hard and fast. They were just going to stand there and listen to this bullshit.

“Oh, Nicole.” The red headed vampire ran her hand down the front of her own chest to her waist. “Why would he want a woman like you when he can have this?”

Before anyone could say a word Tessa took a step forward. “What? Fake tits and a woman who shops at Hoe’s R Us?” Tessa snorted rolling her eyes. “Honey, they can get that on any street corner. You’re a dime a dozen around here.”

The woman looked Tessa up and down in disgust as if Tessa was a piece of crap on the bottom of her slut pumps. “Who the hell are you?”

“Another human trying to take our men.” The woman draping herself over Jared spat out.

“They wish.” Tessa snorted again feeling Jared’s intense stare.

“Alice, get the f*ck out of here.” Damon picked Nicole up, who was pointing and threatening Alice over his shoulder, and headed toward the door. “You’re here to do a job.”

“You best watch yourself little girl.” The red head named Alice leaned close an evil grin tipping her lips. “Pathetic humans who think they can come in and steal our men can end up in a bad situation.” Turning she walked away, her hips swaying so hard Tessa was surprised she didn’t break one.

“Will I see you tonight?” The dark haired woman undraped herself from Jared touching the cleft in his chin. “I missed you last night.”

Jared gently removed the woman’s hand from his face. “Go on in the back Vicky.”

The woman passed glaring at Tessa “You got something to say?” Tessa threw out as the woman passed. “Yeah, didn’t think so.”

“Do you have a death wish?” Jared frowned down at her. “They’re vampires and can rip your throat out in the blink of an eye.”

Tessa crinkled her nose, flipping her hair behind her shoulder. “I’m pretty scrappy.”

A blinding smile lit Jared’s face as intense heat blazed in his eyes. “Yeah, you are definitely….scrappy.”

Pulling her eyes from his, she looked at her brother. “Does he seriously need to….ah….feed…” Tessa made a gagging sound. “from the hoe-bags back there?”

“Where do you come up with your insults?” Jared chuckled. Damn he was really starting to like this spunky red head.

“I work in a bar.” She glanced back at Jared as if that explained everything. “So does he…you know…have to feed?” She asked as Adam walked up to them eyeing the women in the back, a goofy grin spreading across his lips.

“If you don’t want him turning into a mindless blood sucking killer….then, yeah, he does.” Jared chuckled as he looked at the other half-breeds who were looking at the women like the sex starved teenagers they were.

“They for us?” Adam asked his golden eyes turning slightly darker, his grin goofier.

“Oh my God.” Tessa spat out, rolling her eyes. “You want my advice?”

Adam frowned pulling his eyes from the women who were batting their eyelashes at him and the others to look at his sister. “Ah, hell no.” Adam shook his head.

Tessa ignored him giving him her sister knows best look. “Use a straw.”

“Use a what?” Adam eyes widened.

“A straw….because I wouldn’t advise putting your mouth on any of them.” Tessa glanced back at the women then back up at her brother. “Also if you get any ideas about….well you know….I’d protect….” She waved her hand around his lower area.

“Are you freakin kidding me?” Adam shuffled his feet looking away embarrassed.

“No I’m not.” Tessa snorted. “So don’t come cryin to me if it turns green and…and rots off.”

Opened mouthed, Jared and Adam watched Tessa march out the door. “She did not just go there.” Adam moaned, smacking his palm against his face.

“Yeah, she did.” Jared burst out laughing, slapping Adam on the back.

Adam looked back at the women. “Do you think they heard?”

Jared knew they had, but shook his head. “Nah, don’t sweat it. She’s just looking out for you.” Jared did his best to hold his laughter in. That was the funniest damn conversation he’d heard in a long time. Oh yeah, this was definitely getting interesting.

Teresa Gabelman's books