Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

I was happy that my relationship with Jesse was something that Keiran would never be able to take away or taint because he was already gone. He also didn't have the right to question me about him or even sound…jealous. “He’s a friend.”

“Did you fuck him?”

“And if I had?”

“I would kill him—and you.”

The room grew silent as I searched for words, a reaction, something. Whatever I’d been expecting him to say, it wasn’t that. The angry possessiveness in his voice was unexpected along with the tingle I felt low in my belly. Not only that, but Keiran had just threatened my life again. Did he really hate me so much that he would actually kill me?

“We never did anything. We were friends. I’m entitled to have them.”

“Only for as long as I am willing to let you. I think you seem to forget who it is that controls you. I can fix that.”

“How exactly do you plan to fix it? You can’t control someone.” I was bluffing and I knew it. He did control me. He has for ten years but I wouldn’t let him see that he’d already won.

“Simple,” he shrugged. “You’re going to stop being friends with Willow.”

Complete and utter desolation spread through me like a wild fire. My temperature rose until I was on the verge of passing out again. I continued to back away until my back was against the wall, literally and figuratively. He rose from my bed and stalked after me like a predator would stalk its prey.

“But she’s my best friend. She’s all I have.”


“Why are you doing this?” I whispered in defeat. “I thought you wanted…”

“Oh I want and I will take…” He toyed with the corner of my towel and my trembling increased until I was visibly shaking. “This is only the beginning. I told you I would make you pay but it’s going to be slow. I want to take my time with you.”

Before I could say anything a knock sounded on the door, breaking us out of the moment. Keiran’s head turned towards the door before slowly turning back with a cold look on his face.

“Keiran, no, please don't,” I whispered in dismay. He would hurt my aunt if she interfered.

“Lake, are you okay? I thought I heard something.” I stared at Keiran, begging him with my eyes. .

“Get rid of her,” he ordered but didn't move from his position in front of me.

“Uh, yes, Aunt Carissa,” I called out, willing her away from the door. “I—I’m fine. The window blew the door shut.” I looked over at the window that was tightly shut. The white curtains looked undisturbed making me question how Keiran got into the house.

“Are you sure you’re okay, honey?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I’m still getting dressed.”

“Okay, well listen I’ve got an early start in the morning so I’m going to head to bed. Are you sure you will be okay staying by yourself for six weeks?”

With everything that was going on the safest place for her to be was far away from Six Forks where Keiran couldn’t touch her.

“Of course, Aunt Carissa, I’ll be fine. I have Willow if it gets lonely.” I choked on the words because I didn't know anymore how true those words were. Keiran’s hate for me ran deeper than I thought with no hope of an explanation.

“If you’re sure. Goodnight, Lake.” I heard her soft footsteps walking away and slumped against the wall in relief. When her bedroom door closed, I chanced a look at Keiran who was watching me with a calculating look on his face.

“Where is your aunt going for six weeks?”

“A book tour and far away from you.” I wanted him to know that for now my aunt was untouchable but instead of seeing any sign of anger or defeat, he smiled and stepped closer, pressing me into the wall. He braced his hands against the wall on either side of my head and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “And so you think that makes her safe?”

“For now.” There was no way he could get to her if she was out of the country.

B.B. Reid's books