Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“This is hardly the way to conduct an interview.” The officer appeared flustered and angry and I tried to stifle my laugh but they must have heard when their gazes landed on me.

“Ah, Ms. Monroe. How convenient. We were planning to pay you a visit next. Do invite us in.”

“Not my house,” I said and walked up to Keiran, molding myself against his back. My touch seemed to relax him as I felt the tension in his back fade.

“How cute,” the officer mocked, noticing our embrace.

“We’ll be back,” his partner warned as they retreated to their car.

“Dude, you sound like a Terminator reject.”

“I loved that movie,” Keiran commented.

Ha! A fact about Keiran. I was getting somewhere. “Me three,” I piped. They turned to grin at me.

“Thanks for sending those pigs squealing,” Keenan grinned. “One for all…”

“And all for one.” I bumped fists with him when he held his out.

“I hated that movie,” Keiran added.

“Only because it had a happy ending.”

“I hated that movie too, actually.”

“You two lovebirds make me sick.”


He snorted. “No. Dating Sheldon is like dating a guy and a girl at the same time. It’s awesome. Although I do wonder sometimes…”

“Where is Sheldon,” I asked, looking around.

“She and Dash went ahead. I hung back for you guys. Took long enough.”

“Shut up.” Keiran cuffed Keenan on the back of his head. Just then their uncle came out of the living room.

“Where are you boys going?”

“Laser tag,” Keenan answered shortly. Keiran barely spared him a glance.

“Well stay out of trouble and get this girl home at a decent hour. Don’t make me come looking for you,” he warned.

“Sure thing pops,” Keenan agreed, halfheartedly. John grunted and went back into the living room.

Keiran pulled me by the hand and we left out of the house. “Oh, wait. My phone.” I turned to go back inside for it when Keenan stopped me.

“Shelly gave it to me to give to you.” Keenan handed me my phone.

“Hey, do you think Willow could come?”

“I don’t mind, but you do know Dash will be there right?”

“Yes I know. It won’t hurt to ask.” Once we got into Keiran’s car I dialed Willow who answered on the first ring.

“Please tell me you’re home,” she breathed into the phone.

“No but I have something better. Come play laser tag with us.”


“Yeah. Keiran, Keenan, Sheldon, and…”

“And Dash?” she guessed.

“Yeah, but –”

“I’ll come,” she cut in. “But I’m bringing Buddy as reinforcement.”


“You can’t wear bright colors to laser tag! Dude,” Keenan looked at Dash, “tell her she can’t wear bright clothes to laser tag.” Willow had just met us outside of the arena appearing as flamboyant as usual despite her earlier mood. She’d dressed in only jeans and T-shirt that showed off her figure but her jeans were pink and shirt was purple.

“I tried to tell her,” Buddy said walking up to slap hands with the guys.

“Suck it, morons. I’ll wear what I want.”

“She’s on your team,” Keenan whined to Dash.

Dash ignored him and continued to stare at Willow while Willow looked everywhere but at him. After a few moments of tense silence he smirked and walked over to Keiran and began whispering low to him. I knew they were up to something.

“Alright,” Keiran spoke up. “We aren’t pairing up. This is a free for all.”

Willow then flipped off Keenan who smiled and blew kisses at her. Sheldon caught them and hit his arm, growling, “she’s mine.” I laughed at the little competition they seemed to have over her. Sometimes I think Sheldon really did have a crush on Willow.

“Thank fuck! I love you sis but you’ll get me killed.” Buddy had his war face on as if this was real. Boys.

B.B. Reid's books