Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“I should get back,” I whispered.

“You should. The pervs are watching,” he said indicating the cops at the other end of the hall. I looked back at the cops and notice them saying something to each other but they were too far away for us to hear.

“You’re way too calm about this,” I remarked. It was actually making me nervous rather than assuring me. The cops were watching us too hard and standing around as they were waiting for something. He shrugged, dropped his arm from over my head and backed away from me.

I missed the safety his closeness created. It felt like my personal hideaway from the world. Funny when he used to be the only thing I needed to hide from not so long ago. Maybe he still was, I thought, thinking about Anya, Trevor, and what he said about my grandmother.

He nudged me to the door but this time waited from me to go inside before heading in the direction of the officers. I couldn’t resist so I peeked my head outside the door, fully aware that the entire class along with my teacher’s attention was on me. When Keiran was in hearing distance the officer said something to him and I tensed even though I couldn’t hear. Keiran didn’t stop to talk to them, though. His only acknowledgment was to flip them off. I watched him climb the stairs, taking two at time, until he disappeared.

“Ms. Monroe, if it’s alright with you, please take your seat so that I may resume class,” Mrs. Bisette, barked. Definitely on her shit list.

Chapter TwentyEight

I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes drawing out the sound of Keiran’s practice. My head felt like it was spinning and all I wanted to do was go home and hide under my covers. I’d fully expected to go straight home after school but like always, Keiran had different ideas and like always, I followed.

“Is it Friday yet?” Sheldon griped from her seat next to me.


“Fuck. I don’t think I can tolerate going to practice today. I’m too stressed.”

“Can you skip that now? With Anya missing, aren’t you captain now?”

“Oh my gosh. What if people think I did it?”

“Why would they think that?”

“So I could take her spot as Captain?”

“You watch too much TV.”

“Trevor did it to Keiran,” she pointed out.

“Point taken.”

“Ugh, what do you think they are going to do about the investigation?” she asked.

“What makes you think they are going to do anything?” I asked while keeping my eyes shut.

“Because they are too calm and quiet about it.”

“What do you think they did to them? You know them better than I do. What would they do?” She paused from tying up her sneakers and hesitated before answering. “If Keiran is behind it, I don’t think I want to know. Dash says he has connections that money can’t buy.” I watched her carefully for any sign that she was holding back but her answers sounded genuine.

I remembered the conversation I overheard him having last Friday but none of it put me closer to figuring out what may have happened to Trevor and Anya. Keiran was dead set on making me leave his past alone but his past didn’t seem to be much of a past at all.

“They don’t say much around me anyway,” Sheldon continued, breaking me out of my thoughts. “Keiran said I had a big mouth. Can you believe that?” she yelled drawing the attention of a few players and cheerleaders.

I raised my eyebrows and pursed my lips. “No…I couldn’t imagine.” I said sarcastically. She gave me an indignant look and went back to fixing her shoes. “Are you guys practicing in here today?”

B.B. Reid's books