Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Listen, I know what happened a year ago and I know how it looked, but I’m telling you I had nothing to do with you being arrested!” I yelled, uncaring that I just raised my voice at Keiran freaking Masters. My fate was already sealed.

He didn't reply but I could see a muscle tick in his jaw as he pulled out of the driveway making my nervousness increase tenfold. Six Forks has a lot of wooded area, secluded so no one could hear my screams. We were driving for about ten minutes; all the while I was holding my breath. We reached one of the six forks in the road that made up the town. I was near panicking when he turned down the road leading away from the school.

Oh God. Oh no…shit!

“Let me out,” I was visibly shaking now. “Let me out…let me out of the fucking car!” I screamed as we headed down a long road that led to nothing but more trees.

He parked when we were out of sight and shut off the car. He ignored my tantrum as he got out of the car, heading around to my side. I frantically grabbed my phone from my bag to call for help while cursing my stupidity for getting into the car with him in the first place. He ripped open the door, grabbed both of my arms, and slammed me up against the side of the car.

“I’m going to make this quick and I’m going to say this only once because something tells me your little friend won’t hesitate to call the police if you take too long to show, so listen up.” I just stared up at him wondering if this was really happening. “You framed me –”

“I swear it wasn't me…”

He quickly wrapped a hand around my throat in warning. “You’re done talking,” he sneered. It was more a statement than a question. I looked away, the intensity of his stare burning through me. “Eyes on me.” He refused to make this easy for me. “I have a score to settle and it directly involves you and only you.”

I felt his thumb rub my neck softly, but he dropped his hand as quickly as it happened leaving me wondering if it really did.

“You won’t make a move without my knowing. Any time you eat, drink, or breathe I will know.” I stared at him as if he’d grown two heads. “Every moment is mine – your thoughts, your hopes, your dreams are all mine. I will always know where you are and what you are doing. You are mine…at least for the next year,” he smirked.

“Who do you think you are?” I asked, my anger overriding my fear. Of everything he could have done, I never expected this. It sounded like slavery. I still didn’t understand why he didn’t kill me and get it over with. He’s been playing this cat and mouse game for years.

“I am the guy whose freedom you stole.” The clipped tone of his voice cut into my nerves. I could tell from the tick in jaw that he was losing control. “For an entire year, my free will was taken from me and you will feel how I felt.”

I still didn’t understand what he was asking for and what purpose he would need to take away my freedom. He wanted control, that much was apparent, but he wanted something else too. I could see it in the burning heat in his eyes.

“What do you want?” I swallowed back the fear and ignored the dread settling in the pit of my stomach.

“You and I both know what it is that I want.” I shook my head in denial, though I was starting to have a clue. I had nothing else that he could possibly want but the look in his eyes was unmistakable.

He stepped closer and placed his forearms on either side of my head, resting them on the hood of his car. My back was pressed against the door and I was caged in by his hard body and drowning in the cool smell of his body wash. His tall body blocked everything beyond him from my view so I could see nothing but his broad chest.

B.B. Reid's books