What He Left Behind

Ian glances at me, and that look sends a jolt straight to my balls. It’s just as well the jets are still going, because if I know that smoldering gaze, Ian is hard as a rock right now. We always keep the tub a few degrees cooler than normal for that very reason, so we can fool around if we want to, but I’m wondering now if that wasn’t a good idea.

Except he’d never let on and make Michael uncomfortable. I know my husband, though—I know what we’ll be doing when we’re alone later tonight.

He grins and squeezes my shoulder, then closes his eyes and lets his head rest on the side again.

Michael laughs. “If I keep doing this, we can probably talk about The Walking Dead and he’ll never notice.”

“Talk about whatever you want,” Ian says, almost groaning. “Long as you keep rubbing my feet.”

“I’ll have to remember that when the new season starts.” Michael releases Ian’s foot. “There. Better?”

“Holy shit, yes.” Ian pulls his legs back and sits up. “I’m serious when I say you would be an amazing massage therapist.”

“I think I prefer being an amateur.” Michael rolls his shoulders, as if he’s stiff from leaning forward, and reaches for his wine. “But any time either of you need it, just say the word.”

“And it’s okay for you?” Ian’s brow furrows. “I mean, with touching?”

Michael swirls his wine. A smile slowly comes to life. He meets my eyes, then Ian’s, and he nods. “Yeah. I think it is. So”—he raises his glass—“thank you both.”

“You’re welcome,” Ian says.

I smile. “You’re definitely welcome.”

Michael meets my gaze as he sips his wine, and my heart flutters.

Maybe he’s already come further than either of us thought.

Chapter Ten

When I walk into Michael’s apartment a few nights later, the whole place is dark except for warm light coming from his bedroom’s open doorway. The dog greets me as he always does, but then wanders into the living room.

I continue down the hall. “Michael? You here?”

“In the bedroom.”

Of course. Heart thumping, I walk into the room. And halt. And stare.

Michael’s lying back on the bed, grinning at me. He’s completely naked and…

Oh God. Completely hard.

He’s grinning at me and stroking himself. Air? Who needs air? Fuck.

“Right on time,” he says. “As usual.”

“Yeah. And it looks like…” Seriously, air? I clear my throat. “Guess it’s a good thing I wasn’t late.”

He laughs softly, and I’m completely mesmerized as he slowly, slowly strokes himself. Why the hell am I still standing all the way over here, anyway? I snap out of it, take off my shoes and socks and join him on the bed.

Michael pulls me over the top of him and kisses me. Jesus. Somehow, my clothes haven’t evaporated right off me, but I’m okay with that. There is something unspeakably hot about being on top of his naked body while I’m still dressed.

“I want to go further tonight,” he says. “Not as far as we tried to that other time. When I…” He shudders.

“How far?”

Michael licks his lips. “Don’t know yet. Just further.”

This shaky confidence sends my pulse soaring. I can’t think straight, and sure as fuck can’t speak, so I kiss him again instead. He drags his nails up my back—holy shit, that burn gives me goose bumps. He’s out of breath, he’s kissing me like his life depends on it, and I’m doing the same to him, especially since every time I move, his erection presses against mine through my jeans and fucks my equilibrium right to hell. I’ve been here all of two minutes, and I’m already turned on to the point of madness.

I’ll take you as far as you want to go, Michael.

As far as you can go.

My own thought jolts me—he’s been ambitious like this before, and it’s backfired. How do I make sure that doesn’t happen this time?

I break the kiss and go for his neck. Michael arches, baring as much of his throat as possible, and I explore every inch of it, and even as I’m kissing and nipping his hot skin, my mind is reeling—how far can he go? How far do I push this?

It doesn’t help that my jeans are unbearably tight. What I wouldn’t give to be inside him right now, but he can’t possibly be ready for that yet, and this needs to happen at his pace. Small steps. Small, frustrating steps that are driving him insane.

But he wants to go further tonight.


Forcing back my nerves, I lift my head. “Do you trust me?”


I sweep my tongue across my lips. “There’s a boundary I want to push. If you’ll let me.”

His eyes widen a little, and he gulps. “Which one?”

I nod toward the door. “When I walked in here tonight, you looked just like you did that first time we were really in bed together. The first time—”

“The first time we went down on each other.” His voice is taut and unsteady.

“Exactly. And my first thought was how much I wanted to make you feel like you made me feel that night.”

He squirms a bit.

“I know it’s a huge step for you,” I whisper. “But you said you might be okay receiving, right?”

“I… Maybe?”

“Do you want to try?”

“Yes,” he says without hesitation. “I so do.”

“I promise, I won’t hurt you.” I drop a light kiss on his lips. “Say the word, and I’ll stop. No questions asked.”

“I know.” He caresses my face. “I’ve never doubted that with you.”