Weekends Required (Danvers #1)

Jason clasped Claire’s hand again, trying to infuse some of his strength into her. She looked so pale and fragile. He knew from Claire that her mother had many health problems and even though he would never admit it to her, he was very much afraid that this was something serious.

This crisis had delayed what he was sure would have been another big blow up this morning between them. He wasn’t naive enough to believe that just because they had sex, mind blowing sex actually, that it was over. When she confronted him last night with that damn folder, he had suddenly been deadly afraid of losing her and whatever they had between them. It wasn’t that he didn’t want a serious relationship, there had just never been anyone with whom he felt the need to pursue one with; until now.

Claire, to put it mildly, had knocked him on his ass. He wanted to be with her, missed her when she wasn’t around and desired her like he had never desired another woman. The need for her hadn’t lessened; if anything it had intensified each time they were together. She was a constant ache that he never seemed to be able to rid himself of. He only truly felt at peace when she was lying in his arms. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when he knew he loved her, it was just there.

With that love also came certain fears; fear of losing her, fear of not being loved in return, fear of uncharted territory. Jason spent his life making problems go away; he solved them in business, he solved them for his parents and for Ella. He couldn’t understand how he had so offended Claire. She couldn’t honestly want to shoulder the burden when he could make it all go away. He wanted to take care of her, wanted her to have no worries.

He would see that her mother got the best treatment available, and if she wanted to remain in her home, he would have it repaired and hire someone to live with her. Possibly, he had overstepped the bounds a bit by talking with Pam, but surely she would see that it was all for her. The realization that he loved her made him never want to see another tear in her eyes.

Chapter Twenty One

Claire was relieved to see they were now close to home. Jason had broken every speed limit, and they arrived at the hospital faster than Claire could have dared hope. She’d used the drive to compose herself; she needed to be strong for her mother and for Louise.

Jason led her to the emergency section of the hospital where they found Louise and Suzy sitting side by side with hands clasped. Claire rushed forward, and Suzy stood to greet her. “Hey guys, have you heard anything new?” She asked anxiously.

Louise rose and took her hand. “The doctor just talked to us. He’s certain now that Evelyn had a stroke. Her speech has been affected and there’s some facial drooping. He says she’s stable now, but it will be several days before they can really assess the extent of the damage.”

She felt Jason’s arm go around her for support and was grateful to lean into him. “When can I see her?”

“We don’t know yet; we haven’t been able to get a straight answer on that,” said Suzy.

Jason moved Claire to a chair and lowered her into it. “Let me see what I can find out, ladies; I’ll be right back.”

Claire, Louise and Suzy all sat close together; hands clasped. Suzy looked at Louise and then at Claire and said, “Claire, I’ve been trying to convince Louise to let me drop her at home for some rest. She’s been here for hours, and I know she’s tired.”

“No, you don’t worry about me; I’m not going anywhere until one of us gets to see Evelyn and knows she’s ok,” said Louise. Claire knew by the stubborn set of her mouth that trying to talk to her was pointless.

“Suz, thanks for calling and coming here, I felt so much better knowing Louise wasn’t alone.”

“It’s no problem; some of these doctors are complete studs. I might start hanging out here in my spare time. Can you see me as a doctor’s wife? Maybe a plastic surgeon so I can get some really big knockers, right?” Claire and Louise both burst out laughing.

Leave it to Suzy to find a way to lighten the mood. Jason walked down the hall at that exact moment and raised a brow as he looked at them. “Ok ladies, fess up; am I the cause of the laughter?” Still smiling Jason took the seat beside Claire and automatically linked his hand with hers. A move noticed by both Louise and Suzy.

“Nope, sorry, we can laugh at you later though if you don’t want to feel left out,” said Suzy.

Claire turned to him, “Did you find out anything?”

“Unless there’s a problem, they’re going to move her out to ICU from emergency in about an hour. After she’s moved, they’ll allow one person at a time to go back for no more than ten minutes until visiting hours end at eight.”

Sydney Landon's books