Chapter Sixty-Six

Something surprising happened the next morning; an event I don't think any of us were expecting. I certainly wasn't, and it threw me for a complete loop. We had gathered at the FBI's New Orleans office for the morning briefing. There were about thirty of us in a large and sterile room that looked out on the muddy brown Mississippi River. At nine o'clock, Kyle began to address the surveillance team that had been on the watch during the previous twenty-four hours. He finished with them and went on to the day's assignments. He handed them out and was very specific. It was a typical Craig performance: clear, to the point, efficient, never a mistake, or the hint of one. When he was finished, or thought that he was, a hand shot into the air. 'Excuse me, Mr Craig, you didn't mention me. What am I supposed to do today?' It was Jamilla Hughes and she didn't sound happy. -Kyle was already collecting his notes, shuffling a few papers into his thick black briefcase. He barely glanced up as he said, 'That's up to Dr Cross, Inspector Hughes. Please see him.' The remark and its delivery were unnecessarily curt, even for Kyle. I was taken aback by his rudeness, or at least the lack of any tact. 'This is complete bullshit!' She rose from her seat. 'It's unacceptable, Mr Craig. Especially that irritating, blase tone of yours.'
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The FBI agents in the room looked at her. Usually, no one dared confront Kyle on anything. After all, he was rumored to be in line for the director's job some day. Moreover, many of them felt he deserved it. He was certainly smarter than anybody else in the Bureau. He also worked harder than anyone I knew. 'Look, this is no reflection on Detective Cross,' Jamilla went on, 'but my work in California helped open this case up. I don't want anybody's pat on the back, no condescending applause, thank you, but I came all the way down here and I can contribute. So use me, and respect me. By the way, I couldn't help noticing there's only one other woman on this entire task force. Don't bother to make excuses,' she said, and waved off anything Kyle might have been ready to say in his defense. Kyle kept his cool.'Like the supposed vampires. Inspector Hughes, gender doesn't matter to me. I do applaud your efforts during the early stages of this case. But as I said, you can see Dr Cross about your assignment. Or you can go back home right now, if you like. Thank you, everyone,' he said as he saluted the team. 'Happy hunting. Hopefully, today will be our day.' I was surprised, mostly by Kyle's response, but also by Jamilla's quick anger. I was uneasy when she came up to me after the meeting. 'He got me so mad. Grrrr/she said. She shook her head and made a face. T have a quick temper sometimes, and he was wrong. There's something f*cked-up about that man. I have a bad feeling about him. Why would he have it in for me? Because I'm working with you? So what do we do today, Dr Cross? I'm not leaving because he's a goddamn idiot.' 'He was wrong. I'm sorry about what happened, Jamilla. Let's talk about what we do next.' 'Don't be condescending,' she said. 'I'm not. Why don't you get off the soapbox, though.' She still wasn't over her bad scene with Kyle. 'He doesn't like women,' she said. 'Trust me on that. He also practices the three Cs that some men are so fond of: compete, criticize, control.'
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'So tell me what you really think about Kyle. And men in general.' Jamilla finally managed a smile. /! think, and I'm being pretty objective and measured about this, that your so-called friend is a total control freak and a complete a*shole. As for men in general, it varies with the individual.'

James Patterson's books