Chapter Sixty

T amilla and I met up at the Dauphine Hotel that night. She was | decked out in a black leather jacket, blue jeans, a white pocket-T. She looked rested and ready for anything; I didn't feel so bad myself. We had supper together, steak and eggs and beer, in the dining room. As always I enjoyed her company. We made each other laugh. At ten-thirty we drove over to Howl. Daniel and Charles had shows scheduled at eleven and one. And then? Maybe they had planned another clever disappearing act. We were pumped to take them down. Unfortunately, we still needed concrete evidence that they were our killers. There were more than two hundred agents and New Orleans police involved in the case. Something had to break. Presumably, Daniel and Charles would have to feed soon. It was a Friday night and Howl was almost full when we got there. Loud music played from speakers that seemed to be everywhere in the ceiling and walls. The crowd was mostly young and restless, drinking beer, smoking, dirty dancing. Several Goths were mixed in with the more clean-cut college kids. The two groups leered at one another and the atmosphere was charged. A photographer from Offbeat magazine crouched in front of the stage, waiting for the show to begin. Jamilla and I sat down at one of the small tables and ordered Jax beers. There were at least a dozen FBI agents in the club. Kyle was outside in a surveillance car. He had been inside the night before, but

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it was hard for Kyle to blend in with a mostly young, hip crowd. He looked too much like a cop. The back of my throat was already beginning to burn from the smoke and the heavy perfume in the air. A gulp of beer soothed the gullet somewhat. My arm and hand still ached some from the bites. My head was clear, though; I definitely felt a lot better than I had. I liked having Jamilla around again. She gave good counsel. 'Kyle has a six-team surveillance on the magicians around the clock/I told her.'They won't lose them again. Kyle guarantees it.' 'The FBI thinks they're definitely the killers?'she asked.'No doubt about it? Lock 'em up, throw away the key?' 'Some doubt I suppose, but not much. You never know exactly what Kyle is thinking,'! told her.'But yes, I think he believes they are. The techies at Quantico do. So do I.' She studied me over the lip of her bottle of Jax. 'Sounds like the two of you are pretty tight, huh?' I nodded. 'We've worked a lot of cases together in the past few years. Our success rate is good. I can't say that I really know him.' 'I've never had much luck working with the FBI,' she said. 'That's just me though.' 'Part of my job is to make sure police relations with the Bureau run smoothly in DC. Kyle is definitely smart. He's just hard to read at times.' She sipped her beer slowly. 'Unlike somebody else at this table.' 'Unlike two somebodies at this table,'! corrected her, and we both laughed. Jamilla glanced toward the stage. 'What's the hold-up? Where are they? Should we start stamping our feet for them to come out and show us some magic? Show us what they've got?' We didn't have to - a moment later one of the magicians walked out onto the stage. It was Charles, and he looked like a killer.

James Patterson's books