After a shower and more than one coffee, I was feeling more alert and almost ready to go hunt down a rogue werewolf.
Honestly, I wasn’t in the mood to go out and mess around with an idiot Were that seemed to think he or she was a product of a Hollywood film, butchering hookers in dirty back alleys. Jez was coming along, so I could probably get away with leaving most of the bullshit to her. I’d rather take out a vampire than a Were any day. Killing a mortal could get incredibly messy.
I stood on the back deck watching Shaz as he hammered and banged at the broken railing. He grinned up at me and winked, setting a swarm of butterflies free in my stomach before flashing a disgusted look at the splintered wood.
“I need to get some new two by fours for this railing,” he announced. “It can’t be fixed like this. I’ll do it next weekend if that’s ok.”
“No problem. Arys can pay for half the cost of the wood. Or, maybe the entire cost since he couldn’t be bothered to fix it.” As soon as I spoke the words, Shaz’ eyes went to the healing bite on my inner elbow. He’d likely noticed it the moment he walked in the door. I felt ashamed and wished I’d worn a sweater.
I tried casually to turn my arm slightly, so that the two puncture marks could not be seen. He made a sudden noise of exasperation and dropped the tools he held to the ground. He took the deck stairs two at a time, coming to where I stood at the top.
“Don’t hide it.” He pulled my arm away from my side, turning it so that he could see the wound. His warm fingers grazed it, and a flood of pleasure and adrenaline swept me momentarily. “I hate that you feel you need to.”
“I don’t want to hurt you or make it a bigger deal than it is.” I felt foolish and weak and once again wondered why he loved me the way he did.
“If this was something I wasn’t capable of dealing with, I wouldn’t still be here. You really need to relax.” Shaz stared down at the vampire bite with a strange expression on his perfect face. “But, tell me, why do you let him do this? Do you really enjoy it?”
“I guess so,” I searched his green eyes, finding a sincere desire for answers. “It’s all a part of the energy and the power we call. Of course, there are other aspects.” I felt awkward. I didn’t want to talk about Arys feeding from me. Not with Shaz.
He looked more comfortable with it than I felt and that struck a chord that resonated deep within me. I expected Shaz to persecute me constantly for the ways that I’d wronged him. And, when he didn’t do it, I did it to myself.
Sensing my unease, he released my arm and changed the subject. “So it’s really over for Ky and Kale?”
“It is,” I nodded and pulled him close for a tender kiss. “She and Julian seem to be an item now. I can’t say I’m thrilled about that.”
He gave a low growl at my mention of Julian. He didn’t seem to have any intention of letting this go.
“I can’t imagine what she’s thinking,” he shook his head incredulously. “She’s a knockout and the nicest person in the world. Being with Julian is punishment for women like her. She deserves better.”
“She had better.” I kept my voice low so that it wouldn’t carry. “But, it isn’t any of our business. She’s our friend, we have to support her.”
“I know. I’m just not sure how easy that’s going to be after I kick the shit out of her boyfriend.” Shaz chuckled, and the wicked sound made my eyes widen.
I couldn’t share in his enthusiasm. Unlike him, I was worried sick about that fight.
Judging by his gleeful expression, he couldn’t wait to sink his teeth into Kylarai’s new love.
“Cut that out.” I grinned and poked him playfully in the ribs. I wanted to lighten the mood. “Or, I might have to give you a smack or two myself.”
He grabbed my finger and pretended to bite it. “I’m sorry, babe. I know you’re not happy about this. I can’t imagine that Ky is either.”
I shook my head but said nothing. I couldn’t wait for it all to be over. It was just another thing for me to stress over. As if Harley lurking around wasn’t enough.
“I just want time to fly so I can hit up the Halloween party at Lucy’s Lounge and unwind. For once.” I kissed the end of his cute nose. “And, you better not have to work that night, either.”
He laughed and caught my hand in his, pulling me closer so our bodies were pressed together. “Oh, don’t you worry. There is no way in this world that I would leave you alone for every guy in the place to drool over. Especially if you’re dressed as a Playboy bunny.” He gave my ass a light pinch, and I squealed in surprise.
“You know, I think just for that, I’m not going to tell you what I’m dressing up as.
You will have to wait and see.” I smirked because I had no idea what I was going as. I still had plenty of time to shop.