The Dark Tower (The Dark Tower #7)

"We thank you for what we are about to receive," Roland told the head, and Susannah shivered. It was exactly how her father began when he was giving the grace before a big meal, one where all the family was gathered.

Our ozon family is broken, she thought, but did not say; done was done. The response she gave was the one she had been taught as a young girl: "Father, we thank thee."

"Guide our hands and guide our hearts as we take life from death," Roland said. Then he looked at her, eyebrows raised, asking without speaking a word if she had more to say.

Susannah found that she did. "Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallow'd be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation; deliver us from evil; Thou art the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, now and forever."

"That's a lovely prayer," he said.

"Yes," she agreed. "I didn't say it just right-it's been a long time-but it's still the best prayer. Now let's do our business, while I can still feel my hands."

Roland gave her an amen.


Roland took the severed head of the yearling deer (the antlernubs made lifting it easy), set it in front of him, then swung the fist-sized chunk of rock against the skull. There was a muffled cracking sound that made Susannah's stomach cringe. Roland gripped the antlers and pulled, first left and then right. When Susannah saw the way the broken skull wiggled under the hide, her stomach did more than cringe; it did a slow loop-the-loop.

Roland hit twice more, wielding the piece of chert with near-surgical precision. Then he used his knife to cut a circle in the head-hide, which he pulled off like a cap. This revealed the cracked skull beneath. He worked the blade of his knife into the widest crack and used it as a lever. When the deer's brain was exposed, he took it out, set it carefully aside, and looked at Susannah. "We'll want the brains of every deer we killed, and that's what we need a hammer for."

"Oh," she said in a choked voice. "Brains."

"To make a tanning slurry. But there's more use for chert than that. Look." He showed her how to bang two chunks together until one or both shattered, leaving large, nearly even pieces instead of jagged lumps. She knew that metamorphic rocks broke that way, but schists and such were generally too weak to make good tools. This stuff was strong.

"When you get chunks that break thick enough to hold on one side but thin to an edge on the other," Roland said, "lay them by. Those will be our scrapers. If we had more time we could make handles, but we don't. Our hands will be plenty sore by bedtime."

"How long do you think it will take to get enough scrapers?"

"Not so long," Roland said. "Chert breaks lucky, or so I used to hear."

While Roland dragged deadwood for a fire into a copse of mixed willows and alders by the edge of the frozen stream,

Susannah inspected her way along the embankments, looking for chert. By the time she'd found a dozen large chunks, she had also located a granite boulder rising from the ground in a smooth, weather-worn curve. She thought it would make a fine anvil.

The chert did indeed break lucky, and she had thirty potential scrapers by the time Roland was bringing back his third large load of firewood. He made a little pile of kindling which Susannah shielded with her hands. By then it was sleeting, and although they were working beneath a fairly dense clump of trees, she thought it wouldn't be long before both of them were soaked.

When the fire was lit, Roland went a few steps away, once more fell on his knees, and folded his hands.

"Praying again?" she asked, amused.

"What we learn in our childhood has a way of sticking," he said. He closed his eyes for a few moments, then brought his clasped hands to his mouth and kissed them. The only word she heard him say was Gan. Then he opened his eyes and lifted his hands, spreading them and making a pretty gesture that looked to her like birds flying away. When he spoke again, his voice was dry and matter-of-fact: Mr. Taking-Care-of-Business. "That's very well, then," he said. "Let's go to work."


They made twine from grass, just as Mordred had done, and hung the first deer-the one already headless-by its back legs from the low branch of a willow. Roland used his knife to cut its belly open, then reached into the guts, rummaged, and removed two dripping red organs that she thought were kidneys.

"These for fever and cough," he said, and bit into the first one as if it were an apple. Susannah made a gurking noise and turned away to consider the stream until he was finished. When he was, she turned back and watched him cut circles around the hanging legs close to where theyjoined the body.

"Are you any better?" she asked him uneasily.

"I will be," he said. "Now help me take the hide off this fellow.

We'll want the first one with the hair still on it-we need to make a bowl for our slurry. Now watch."

Stephen King's books