The Big Bad Wolf


THE BUYER_S NAME was Mr. Potter.

It was the code name he used when he wanted to make a purchase from Sterling, when he

and the seller communicated for any reason. Potter was very happy with Benjamin and he’d

told this to the Couple when they dropped the package at his farm in Webster, New

Hampshire, population of a little more than fourteen hundred a place where no one

bothered you. Ever. The farmhouse he owned there was partially restored, with white antique

wood shingling, two stories, a new roof. About a hundred yards behind it sat a red barn, the

“guest house.” This was where Benjamin would be kept, where the others before him had

been stored as well.

The house and barn were surrounded by more than sixty acres of woods and farmland that

had belonged to Potter’s family and now were his. He didn’t live on the farm, but in Hanover,

about ˙ty miles away, where he toiled as an assistant professor of English at Dartmouth.

God, he couldn’t take his eyes off Benjamin. Of course, the boy couldn’t see him. Couldn’t

speak. Not yet. He was blindfolded and gagged, and his hands and legs were bound by police


Other than that, Benjamin wore nothing but a sliver of silver thong, which looked precious on

him. The sight of the very handsome young man took Potter’s breath away for the third or

fourth or tenth time since he’d taken possession of him. The maddening thing about teaching

at Dartmouth these past five years was that you could watch, but you could not touch the

boys who went there. It was frustrating beyond belief to be that close to his heart’s desire, but

now it almost seemed worth it. Benjamin was his reward. For waiting. For being good.

He moved close to the boy, inches at a time. Finally he slid his hand through the waves of

thick blond hair. Benjamin jumped. He actually shivered and shook uncontrollably. That

was nice.

“It’s all right …to be afraid,” Potter whispered. “There’s a strange joy to be found in fear.

Trust me on that, Benjamin. I’ve been there. I know exactly what you’re feeling now.”

Potter could barely stand it! This was just too much of a great thing, a dream come true. He

had been denied this forbidden pleasure and now here was this absolutely perfect,

beautiful, stunning young man.

What was this? Benjamin was trying to speak through his gag. Potter wanted to hear the

boy’s sweet voice, to see his luscious mouth move, to look into his eyes. He bent forward and

kissed the gag over the boy’s mouth. He actually felt Benjamin’s lips underneath, their


Then Mr. Potter couldn’t stand it for one second more. His fingers fumbling, incoherent

whispers seeping from his mouth, his body shaking as if he had palsy, he removed the

blindfold and looked into Benjamin’s eyes.

“May I call you Benjy?” he whispered.