The Big Bad Wolf


A MESSAGE CAME OVER the shortwave. “Suspect is going southeast. He must have seen


I gunned our car in the direction the Porsche had disappeared. I managed to get the sedan up

to sixty-five on the narrow, winding street lined with gated McMansions. I still couldn’t see

the silver Porsche up ahead.

“I’m heading east,” I said into the two-way. “I’ll take a chance he’s trying to get to the

highway.” I didn’t know what else to do. I passed several cars coming the other way on the

quiet street. A couple of drivers sat on their horns. That’s what I would have done too. I was

going seventy-five miles an hour in a residential area.

“I see him!” Mahoney yelled.

I stepped down hard on the gas. I was finally making up some ground. I spotted a blue sedan

approaching the Porsche from the east. It was Braves Two. We had Brendan Connolly from

two sides. Now the question was whether or not he’d give up.

Suddenly the Porsche shot right off the road and into a thicket of bushes that rose higher than

the car’s roof. The Porsche tilted forward, then disappeared down a steep slope.

I didn’t slow down until the last second, then I braked hard and went into a controlled

shudder and spin.

“Jesus Christ!” Mahoney shouted from the passenger seat.

“Thought you were HRT,” I said.

Mahoney laughed. “All right then, partner! Let’s go get the bad guy!”

I steered the sedan through the bushes and found myself on a steep hill dotted with large

rocks and trees. When the first branches cleared, I still had limited vision because of all the

other trees. Then I saw the Porsche smack into a midsize oak and carom to one side. The car

slid sideways another fifty feet before it finally stopped.

Sphinx was down.

Let’s go get the bad guy!