The Big Bad Wolf


SHE WASN_T DEAD! How good was that? How amazing?

Elizabeth Connolly was lost in her own world again, and it was the best place. She was

walking a perfect beach on Oahu’s north shore. She was picking up the most amazing

seashells, one after the other, comparing the textures.

Then she heard shouts, “FBI!” She couldn’t believe it.

The FBI was here? At the house? Her heart pounded, then nearly stopped, then pounded

again even harder.

Had they finally come to rescue her? Why else would they be here? Oh my good God!

Lizzie began to shake all over. Tears spilled down her cheeks. They had to find her and let her

out now. The Wolf’s arrogance was about to burn him down!

I’m in here. I’m here! I’m right here!

The party got terribly quiet suddenly. Everyone was whispering, and it was hard to hear. But

she definitely heard “FBI,” and theories as to why they were here. “Drugs.” Everyone seemed

to think so.

Lizzie prayed this wasn’t about drugs. What if they took the Wolf to jail? She would be left

here. She couldn’t stop shaking. She had to let the FBI know she was here. But how? She was

always bound and gagged. They were so close.… I’m in the closet! Please look in the closet!

She had imagined dozens of escape plans, but only after the Wolf opened the door and

leashed her to go to the bathroom or walk in the main part of the house. Lizzie knew there

was no way to get out of the locked closet. Not tied up the way she was. She didn’t know how

to signal the FBI.

Then she heard someone making a loud announcement. A male. Deep voice. Calm and in


“I’m Agent Mahoney with the FBI. Everyone leave the main house immediately. Please

assemble on the back lawns. Everyone is to leave the house now! No one leaves the


Lizzie heard shoes scraping the hardwood floors, rapid footsteps. People were leaving. Then

what? She’d be all alone. If they took the Wolf away … what would happen to her? There

had to be something she could do to let the FBI know she was in here. What?

Someone named Atticus Stonestrom was talking loudly.

Then she heard the Wolf speak, and it chilled her. He was still in the house. Arguing with

someone. She couldn’t tell who, or exactly what they were saying.

What can I do? Something! Anything!

What, what?

What haven’t I thought of before?

And then Lizzie had an idea. Actually, she’d had it before but always dismissed it. Because it

scared the hell out of her.