Tell Me You Crave Me (Search and Seduce #3)

“You are,” she breathed.

He slapped her ass and surged deep. “Say my name, Natalie.”

She moaned, and he fucked her deeper, quicker, and when the next wave of pleasure raced through her, she screamed his name.


He growled and continued to thrash her body with hit after hit of raw lust. Her inner walls clamped down on him. He kept taking her, and she was so far beyond the brink that she had to dig her nails into the wall to hold on.

“You’re so fucking good, baby. You’re going to make me come,” he said. And there was something in his words that lifted her up. She was good. She was making him feel good. And suddenly she understood the need to hear it. Why he needed her to say she wanted him, and why she needed him to…

She shivered through her last tremor. “Then say it,” she commanded. “Say my name, Easton.”

His cock hardened further inside her, but he didn’t speak a word.

She clenched her sheath tighter around him. “Say. My. Name.”

“Fuck…Natalie,” he said around a strangled breath, and he came hard, twitching inside of her with every beat of his racing heart.

He pulled out, breathing hard, and Natalie braced herself against the wall. She didn’t look back to see him, just heard him take care of the condom and what sounded like his pants being fastened. Her bones were Jell-O, and she couldn’t move.

Then his hands were on her. He ripped her panties clean off, and she glanced over her shoulder to watch him put them in his pocket.

“You have a date to get to,” he said. He knelt down and kissed up the back of her knee to her inner thigh. He gathered the zipper of her dress, trailed it up, and fastened it in place.

She turned to face him, and he steadied her.

“You see,” he said, “I was the gentleman who came out to make sure you kept warm.”

She glared at him. Just like that, the old East was back. Goading her and annoying her. And she was still panting from the orgasm she’d just had.

“You really need to work on shutting up,” she said.

He laughed and gave her a wink. “I guess we’re done here. See ya in there, darlin’.”

With that, he opened the door he’d just fucked her against and walked inside. Like everything and nothing had just happened.

Rage and passion and irritation fueled her.

They were far from done.

“I was starting to think you got lost,” East’s date said to him as he walked up to the bar next to her. Shit, what was her name? He knew it, but unfortunately all he could think about was one name: the one he’d groaned out when he’d come inside of Natalie.


“Not too lost,” he said and leaned over the bar. But that was a fuckin’ lie. He’d just lost his damn mind. Again. Why the hell was Natalie getting to him like this? They fought like siblings, but apparently fucked like champions. He’d never wanted a woman so badly in his life. And most of it stemmed from this need to throttle her…or kiss her.

He’d gone out to check on her, telling himself he wouldn’t ever have sex with her again—whoops—and ended up just reaffirming that she was his exact perfect woman and totally wrong type all at the same time.

But the woman had a mouth and set of curves on her that called to him, and he was fast realizing that spanking her perfect ass while forcing his name from her throat could become his new favorite hobby.

He ran a hand through his hair and shook his shoulders out. He was relaxed and tense all at the same time. Because he was a damn fool if he didn’t realize what a shit storm this was turning into. If Natalie was looking for someone to date, or even have a relationship with, he was not the guy. She was way, way beyond him in status and what she deserved. He knew that. But he couldn’t help himself.

Technically, Matt had asked him to keep an eye on her, and when he’d seen douche date number two tonight, he couldn’t help but get instantly annoyed. The guy was clearly not into her, which made no sense. It wasn’t that Natalie wasn’t hot. She was beyond hot. But she wasn’t easy, and guys picked up on that. Douchebag number two was obviously looking for easy. He’d never treat Natalie the way she deserved.

Over my dead fuckin’ body…

“Well, I’m glad you’re back. I missed you.” The blonde pouted and stuck out her D cups to accent her words. She was attractive in every sense of the word, but she wasn’t doing it for him. Hell, he’d only agreed to come out tonight because she’d been the only cashier at the liquor store and she’d checked him out with a smile and promise of more if he escorted her to Honey’s after her shift was over. He had planned to just drink alone tonight because he’d been thinking way too much lately about a lot of shit he didn’t need to be thinking about. Like the past. Like his lot in life. Like the fact that everyone else was moving on and he was the same old East.

So yeah, he’d taken the blonde up on her offer to get out, but had no plan to follow through.

Joya Ryan's books