Slade (The Protectors #6)

Alice pointed at her, not yet taking the bait. “That was you?”

“Oh, yeah, and we have enough information to…” Jill paused when Alice rushed toward her. They were nose-to-nose. “…take you down.” Jill tilted her head as she finished her sentence, a smile playing on her lips.

“I don’t believe you.” Alice glared, stepping back. She indicated behind her at George. “He doesn’t have the balls to do something like that.”

“But I do and I can pretty much talk anyone into anything.” Jill was practically begging for her to take a swing. “So even if you kill us both, you’re still going down. Everything has been given to the Council and very soon, you will be hunted by every Warrior, but not just because of that. The men you hired to kill Warriors talked…a lot.”

Alice looked over at the man standing behind George, giving him a glare that proved right there, she was behind it all.

Jill saw a hint of fear in Alice’s eyes, just a hint, but it was there and that was all Jill needed. “Your name was mentioned quite a few times and hundreds of Warriors heard it all.” Jill smiled, hatred flickering across her features. “You know what happens to people who kill Warriors, especially vampires?”

“Shut up,” Alice hissed, baring her fangs at Jill, who stood strong without flinching. “I’m going to enjoy killing you.”

“And I’m going to enjoy having you try, you nasty whore,” Jill hissed back.

“Before this catfight starts, can I please have my bonus and I’ll be on my way, dear Alice,” Jax interrupted, looking bored.

“You better take the bonus and run far, you bastard,” Jill spat at him.

“You know, I’m getting sick of your mouth.” Jax was in her face in a split second. “How about a scare? Hmmm? Maybe that will get you to shut the fuck up.”

Jill prepared herself for what was to come, steadying her breathing and body, waiting for the blow she was sure was coming. But as she watched Jax change into another person right in front of her eyes, she stumbled back. What the hell? A man stood before her. He was the same size as Jax, and actually looked similar to Jax, with American Indian heritage, but there was evilness behind his eyes, a hatred directed not just at her, but everything. “Who are you?” Jill asked, staring at him, trying to believe what she just saw. “What are you?”

“Well, for starters, I’m not my asshole brother, Jax.” He glared at her and smiled without humor. “At least, not right now.” The man laughed as he went to touch George, turning into George’s twin, and as if showing off, he grabbed the man behind George, changing into him.

“This, you idiot, is a shifter.” Alice laughed at Jill’s expression. “He actually came to me with a fabulous idea. After he kills my fiancé, the Mayor, he will pose as him, so it’d be best you die now because your world is about to get rocked.”

Jill tried to hide her shock at the man before her being Jax’s brother, but she did notice something, and maybe she was wrong. “Okay, well, maybe I’m wrong here, shifter guy, but it looks to me like you need to make contact with the person before turning. How’s that going to work when the dead Mayor gets…juicy?” Jill cocked her eyebrow at him and smiled when she read his expression. From the glare he was shooting her, it appeared she was right.

“I’m bored with this conversation,” Alice sneered.

“That’s probably because you’re too stupid to understand the conversation.” Jill smirked at her.

“And I really hate her. You want to tag team?” Alice glanced at Jax’s brother, holding out her arm.

“Sounds like a great idea.” He grabbed her arm and within seconds, he was transformed into a Alice lookalike.

“You have got to be shitting me?” Jill looked between the two, knowing she had to get it together and think about this crazy shit later. She had a feeling she was about to get her ass kicked by not one, but two Alice’s. Yeah, that shit just wouldn’t do. Tilting her head from side to side, she rolled her shoulders, and then waved them both toward her in a cocky fashion. “Which whore wants their ass kicked first?”


Slade stood back with the fifty or so Warriors, his eyes fixed on the building Jill was in. He scanned the place, looking for what dangers he would be facing. As the Warriors behind him made plans, he knew time was running out. His rage out of control, Slade began to walk, then his walk turned into a jog, his focus on getting to Jill.