Seven Wicked Nights (Turner #1.5)

“Is this your first house party, then?” Nick asked, struggling to keep his attention on the girl when Eleanor was visible just over her shoulder.

“Indeed, sir.” She glanced around the room, surreptitiously taking in the other guests. “I must say, I’m feeling a bit out of place.”

“What, you don’t normally fraternize with old, yet politically important, men?”

Her cheeks turned scarlet, and she ducked her head. “I can scarce believe you said that,” she said, biting her lip against laughter. “I was referring to how very sophisticated everyone is—men and women.”

He waved his hand dismissively. “Sophisticated is just another word for old and boring. Though I will grant there are a few exceptions here tonight. Not many, but some.”

She giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. “Oh, do stop, Mr. Norton. My mother would have my head if she overheard this conversation.”

“Ah, but that is the beauty of a house party, Miss Landon. With my mother agreeing to be your chaperone, you are as good as free to do whatever you like.”

They both glanced at his mother, who was lifting a wine glass from a passing tray as she stood entirely too close to Henry.

“Regardless, I’m much too terrified of incurring my mother’s wrath to make even the smallest faux pas. It’s a long time until the Season—I’d rather not spend it listening to her lectures on propriety.”

“I’d be more worried about impropriety when you are with Nicolas, Miss Landon.” Eleanor, apparently having broken free of her jailor, grinned at the girl. “He can be quite the trouble-maker.”

“Noted, Miss Abbington,” she answered, returning the smile. “Mr. Norton, you must be on your best behavior around me.”

Nick offered the pair of them his most rakish look, making Miss Landon giggle and Eleanor roll her eyes.

“It shan’t work, Nick. Miss Landon is a friend, and I will not allow her to be fooled into believing you are the consummate gentlemen.”

It was a relief to see a spark of mischief glinting in her eyes. He affected his most solemn expression, shaking his head. “Have no fear, Miss Landon. I am a reformed man, courtesy of the army. If Eleanor wasn’t so busy playing the part of the social butterfly, she might have noticed what an utterly charming and devoted companion I am tonight. Isn’t that so?”

The girl went along with his teasing, nodding. “Yes, utterly.

Eleanor arched a dark eyebrow, “Somehow I’m not convinced. I suppose I shall have to take your very dubious word for it, since I’m much too busy to keep an eye on you this evening.”

Spreading his arms, he let a wicked grin turn up the corners of his mouth. “And yet, here you are.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but Malcolm interrupted, sidling between Nick and Eleanor. “Pardon me, but I’m afraid I must steal Eleanor away. There are many who wish to speak with you, my dear.”

The mere sound of his stepfather’s voice put Nick’s teeth on edge. Why was he acting as though Eleanor was his to command tonight?

Returning his stepfather’s false smile in spades, Nick said, “Yes, including Miss Landon and myself. I’m certain the others will expect her to mingle with everyone present, and we wouldn’t want Miss Landon to be neglected.”

It was only because he was watching that he caught the flash of surprise in Eleanor’s eyes. Before he could interpret whether she was pleased or not by his interference, Eleanor pasted the artificial smile back in place and raised her gaze to meet his. “Uncle Robert’s right, I should return to my duties. But it is so lovely to have you with us, Miss Landon. I do hope Nicolas will find it within him to be good company for you.”

Nick had to work to keep his expression neutral. What the devil had gotten into her lately? Why was she being so damned biddable? She may look perfectly content to others, but he knew her too well. He could see her strain in the way she held her mouth, and the dullness of her normally luminous brown eyes.

It made him want to shake her, to make her confide in him. Had her mother’s death changed her so much, or was it something else?

Pulling Eleanor away from them, Malcolm said, “I’m quite certain Norton can provide all the entertainment Miss Landon could hope for.” With a slight bow, he headed for Lord Shevington, pulling Eleanor along with him. Nick couldn’t help but be put in mind of a sacrificial lamb.

“Well, that was a bit awkward,” Miss Landon said, biting her lip as she looked after Eleanor.