Seven Wicked Nights (Turner #1.5)

His ragged groan filled her room. Cat pulsed low and hot between her legs. Her husband’s erection was hard against her buttocks. She could easily lift herself onto him.

But she would make him wait.

Feeling naughty and delicious and not the least bit protective of her heart, she ran her hands over her belly. “I touched myself after you disappeared.”

His smoky eyes widened, then dropped down to her hands. She slid her palms up to her breasts, drawing the heavy mounds together. “I liked this.” She brushed her nipples with her thumbs.

Jamie’s chest rose and fell with his rapid breath. “What else?”

Aching now, ready for touch, she lowered her hand between her legs to the secret place she sought at night.

“Yes.” A sheen of sweat glistened on his skin and, beneath her, his muscles tightened.

Cat tilted her hips forward so she could slide into her own hot depths.

“How does it feel?” He watched her hand.

“Wet. Soft.” Excitement sizzled through her. She dipped her finger inside, then worked the slick fluid around her tight bud.

The touch of her fingers sparked a thousand sensations. There was no loneliness tonight. Just shuddering breath. Fluid pleasure. And the erotic heat of Jamie’s eyes on her.

“Touch your breasts again,” he demanded.

Cat complied, drawing the fingernails of her free hand across her nipples. Her thighs clenched and her shoulders tensed. She was close to crisis already.

“I would think of you,” she panted. “I would remember what you did to me.”

“Tell me.”

“When you would kiss me here.” She rubbed her damp core in tight circles.

“Come here. Let me kiss you now.”

“Not yet.” She dropped her head back, enjoying the fierce heat of his gaze on her skin. She felt everywhere naughty, desired, voluptuous.

He had not forgotten her.

It was a quick tumble, her fall from the ledge of pleasure. Throbbing, undulating waves of euphoria washed up her spine, burst from her lips in a hot cry.

But she was hardly satisfied. She wanted him inside her.

She pressed up on her knees and at once Jamie’s hands were on her. “No,” she shook her head and her hair brushed across her bare shoulders. “Not yet. Hands behind your head.”

He groaned again, but complied.

Cat inched her way down the bed, keeping his legs between hers, until his erection stood before her. It was proud and hard and ready for her. She grasped it in her hand and he froze.

“Have mercy.”

Oh, she would. Just not yet. Cat moved her fist up and down as Jamie had instructed before they were married.

Tonight, she wanted more. She’d only used her mouth on him twice. He’d all but flown apart in her hands.

Leaning over, she took him, hot and smooth, between her lips and gave a gentle suck.

“Ungh.” He lifted his hips, trying to press deeper into her mouth. Cat smiled and took him as deep as she could, then drew back. She did it again and again, enjoying the heavy sounds of his pleasure filling her room. This room that had once felt so lonely.

When she felt his belly tensing beneath her, she pulled away. Sat back and looked at him.

“Is this punishment?” he panted. “Because if it is, I think I like it.”

Her smile was unbounded. “I want you to know exactly what you were giving up those five years.” Oddly, the words didn’t hurt as she said them. She was too full of want and power.

She crawled back up him so her knees were above his shoulders. “Make me feel good. Really good, Jamie. Then I just might let you have me.”

He grabbed her buttocks in his hands and pressed his mouth to her mound. Pleasure spiked through her, overwhelming and raw. She gritted her teeth and grasped the top of the headboard as he laved and licked with his lips and tongue, driving her past the point of passion to someplace bordering on madness. His fingers wandered and pressed. She had no name for what he was making her feel.

She was arching, shattering over the cliff when he grabbed her hips, moved her down so that he could thrust his cock into the quaking core of her.

He filled her everywhere. He fit her perfectly.

She sought the softness of his lips, the tang of his skin as he lifted and lowered her hips, meeting her in hot, thick thrusts that were still somehow not enough. He tasted of desire. Smelled of man. She couldn’t get enough.

“More,” she cried.


Still thick inside her, he rolled her onto her back and pressed her legs against her chest. Again and again, he drove into her, filling her and filling her more than she thought possible.

The slap of flesh and the smell of passion overwhelmed her senses, drove her mindless. Jamie leaned down and captured her lips with his. With a long, deep thrust, he sent them both tumbling, together, into a wordless void where self and other no longer existed. Where there was only one.

Chapter Nine

CAT STIRRED AWAKE with the birds. The room was still dark, the thick curtains blocking out the morning sun, and she rolled over to find her husband.

But he was gone.

Her bed was empty.