September Moon (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #8)

I glared at my reflection in the mirror as I pulled my jeans on and tugged my black Sons of Anarchy reaper V-neck into place. “Thanks, Jez. Nice to know you can keep things in confidence.”

Kylarai was wearing that frown again when I emerged from the dressing room for the final time. “Alexa, are you all right? Please, don’t hide things from me. It feels like we’re drifting apart, and I hate that.”

“I’m fine, really. We’re not drifting. I’m just trying to put some distance between us so that you stay safe. Just until this is all over.” I shot Jez a dirty look when she returned in her yoga pants and tank top. She brushed it off dismissively and drained her champagne.

“Until what is over exactly?” Ky’s voice dropped when the sales lady returned.

“Everything with Arys and Shya. It’s just best if you’re not around me too much until it’s all said and done.”

She gave instructions to the sales lady regarding the dresses while I worked hard at stifling a yawn or two. The champagne had left a bitter taste in my mouth. I politely refused when offered another. Jez started to reach for another, looked at me, and changed her mind. We really needed to talk about the other night.

When we were alone again, Kylarai turned to me expectantly. “I understand. Really, I do. But please don’t shut me out. I need to know what’s going on with you. I care. Coby cares too. More than I think you realize.”

“I know. That’s why I need to protect you both by keeping you out of this. I’m already afraid that having me in your wedding will be a mistake.”

“Do not say that. The wedding wouldn’t be right without you. It’s my special day, and I want you there. No worries. I mean it.” Kylarai held out a hand to each of us. “I’m so happy to have you ladies in my life. This would be a very lonely life without you. Now, let’s go for dinner. I’m buying.”

We went to a restaurant down the street that was known for its fabulous ribs. The three of us gathered around the table, chatting and laughing, enjoying the atmosphere. It was so carefree and human. For a short time I was able to put my worries aside.

Kylarai shattered my brief reprieve by getting serious on me again. “Lex, I don’t mean to pry, but please tell me what’s going on with you. What happened with Arys last night?”

Shutting her out wasn’t fair. We were still pack, despite the technicality that said we weren’t. She was my friend, my family. Stifling a groan, I took a deep breath and filled her in on everything I’d neglected to say.

When I finished she shook her head and sat back with a bewildered expression on her pretty face. “Your shared purpose is so close to coming to pass that it’s driving you both batshit crazy. That hardly seems fair.”

“Nothing is fair in this world though, is it?” I grimaced, stirring the ice in my strawberry daiquiri. “It is what it is. All I can do is hope the scroll turns up so we can get this over with. If it doesn’t happen soon, Arys is going to kill me anyway. He’s been expecting it so long that the wait is breaking him down.”

Kylarai sipped from her virgin pina colada, looking thoughtful. “Not everything is unfair. You’ve got to try to see the silver linings, Lex. You’re focused so hard on the storm clouds that you’re missing the light show completely.”

“Agreed,” Jez jumped in with a knowing look. “Life is a journey, right? This is all leading you somewhere. Good things do happen to people like us. Eventually.”

There was an awkward lull in the conversation. Kylarai broke the quiet with a cheerful, “So how’s Kale? Good I hope. I wanted to invite him to the wedding, but then I thought that might just be incredibly awkward. What do you both think?”

I exchanged a look with Jez who laughed into her martini. I did my best not to discuss Kale with Ky. It was just too weird given their brief time as a couple.

“It’s not like you were in love with him, right?” Jez pointed out. “Couldn’t hurt to send the invite. Knowing Kale, he won’t come. He’s kind of a downer that way.”

Ky was no idiot. She read between the lines with ease. “So what I’m hearing is that things are really strange between you two, and I shouldn’t invite him.”

“It’s your big day, Ky. Whoever you want to be there should be there. Don’t make those decisions based on me.” I patted her hand, finding her aura warm and pulsing. It struck me as odd that it was so noticeably vibrant.

The waiter arrived with our order, giving me the perfect opportunity to change the subject. There just was no easy way to discuss having my best friend’s ex tied to me like a prisoner of his own desire.