Red and Her Wolf (Kingdom, #3)

A glint of something malevolent winked back at Violet and then Malvena inhaled, eyes rolling to the back of her head. The rainbow colored mist beginning to escape through Violet’s body rolled toward the demonic fairy.

Violet jerked, sucking in a breath as a chill radiated through her bones, feeling as if her soul had just been leeched from her body. She cried out and wiped the back of her nose, a red streak marred the back of her hand.

Malvena clutched her chest and danced, wings flitting happily as she crowed loudly. “So much power.”

Tiny fangs drew down from the fairy’s mouth.

Her powers wouldn’t work on the Black. Couldn’t work on her. Malvena could suck her up too; clean her out like a vampire draining their victim’s blood. The crone had done it too, but Malvena was much, much stronger.

Sea water stung Violet’s eyes, mingled with the tears running down her cheeks.

Vi started to swim, anything was better than staying put and letting herself be eaten alive by the cannibal.

“I told you, swimming is fruitless.” The voice no longer sounded feminine. “Come here, girl!”

It was like invisible bands wrapped around Violet’s middle and yanked her back to where she’d been. She thrashed, but the bands were unyielding.

“You misunderstand me, Little Hood,” Malvena smiled and then licked her lips. The serpentine forked tongue made Violet tremble and her stomach drop to her knees.

“You killed my crone, and made mincemeat of Kermani.” She laughed with a sound like the demonic toll of Hell’s bells. “You are not the same miserable, pathetic girl I searched for before. You are strong, powerful.”

She flitted closer and Violet winced when the tiny claw dragged along her jaw.

“The hate, it burns in you.” She inhaled. “You like killing, the taste of power. Embrace it, Violet, for it is our friend.”

Violet jerked away, swimming backwards, kicking her feet to get away from the ten inch nightmare. “Why are you telling me this? Where’s Ewan?”

Malvena smiled. “You like him,” she laughed, “you do know he killed Jana.”

“Because she was working for you!” Violet snarled. “She was going to kill me. He saved me.”

“He worked for me too, little girl. Or did you not know that part of the story?”

The crux of it, the whole point of her anger toward Ewan, was that right there. He’d been sent to kill her. By Malvena. And he would have done so. Except she was his mate. And from that moment on, he’d done his very best to rectify his misdeeds. A soft smile pulled at her heart and tugged on her lips.

“I know it. I also know he’s mine.”

“Ohh,” Malvena tapped her chin, “you’ve claimed him too. How very interesting.”

Water moved rapidly beneath Violet’s feet. She kicked, feeling the rolling balls of waves slap hard against her legs. Glancing down, she frowned at the muddy water.

“Then here’s your choice, Red.” Malvena held up a finger. “I won’t kill you. I’ll release you and give you Ewan as your lifelong mate,” she rolled her eyes, “and in return all I ask is one itty bitty favor. You won’t even miss it. Much.” She shrugged.

Violet’s heart clenched. “He’s alive?”

Malvena nodded. “For now.”

A small favor. Violet seriously doubted anything would be small with the Black. This was a devil’s deal, she’d be stupid to make it. Everyone knew the devil always lied.


“I want your soul.” She didn’t smile, laugh, or even twitch a brow. Malvena’s words were sharp, clear, and unswerving.

Violet slapped her palm over her heart. “My soul? Why? Why do you want me?”

“Oh come, come.” Malvena rolled her wrist. “Let’s not get all theatrical about this. You don’t even need a soul to live. You’ll still be immortal, but with none of your wicked powers. And honestly, wouldn’t it be a blessing to let go of that evil side of you?”

The way she said it, so calmly, rationally, Violet couldn’t help but consider it. She didn’t want to be bad. To crave hurting things. What would it be like to live the rest of her life without the darkness inside her?

She licked her lips.

Malvena flitted closer, holding out her tiny hand. “All you have to do is say… yes.”

It was so tempting. So, so tempting…

Malvena’s full lips curved. “I had a daughter once. She looked a lot like you. Blonde hair, green eyes, with a smattering of freckles along her nose.”

Her words were soft, yearning. It made her seem less monstrous, more human. Violet leaned in ever so slightly.

Malvena settled on Violet’s shoulder, her insubstantial weight barely felt as she tucked strands of Vi’s wet hair behind her ear. Gently patting it into place.

“My reasons are entirely altruistic. I’m simply a mother who wants her daughter back. Can’t you understand?”

In that moment, in that second, Violet didn’t see a deranged or even evil fairy, she saw something that was grieving. Desperate to make right a wrong. How could she deny her that chance?