Red and Her Wolf (Kingdom, #3)

Twisting around--state of undress forgotten--Violet gripped Marika’s wrist. “Why? Why him? Why am I going to Malvena’s--”

Marika shook her head, placing a finger against Violet’s lips. “Hush, daughter. It was a secret I was not supposed to know, sadly I know no more. Now hush.”

Grabbing Violet’s shoulders she turned her around, and didn’t utter another word, quickly bathing her and then pointing to a folded red sheet upon the pale woven mat beside the spring. “Do you know how to dress in the Hadashek style?”

Violet shook her head, wringing the water from her shoulder length hair.

Marika grabbed the jonquil fold at her waist and unwrapped--what had at first appeared to be a dress--from off her body. Violet looked quickly away from the large boned Marika who was surprisingly firm given her size.

“Nudity means nothing to us here, were it not for the flesh eating power of the sand, my people would walk nude constantly. Now watch so you may learn,” her voice was patient, but carried an edge of annoyance.

“Well I’m not used to it. I hope you plan to give that wolf clothes too.”

Marika chuckled and her large breasts bounced with the movement. Violet desperately wanted to look away again, but trained her eye on Marika’s face and ignored the rest.

“He has a fine body. Surely you’ve noticed. Much better than my Kermani,” she quickly touched her breast, “though I would never claim so to him.”

“I don’t think he does. He’s disgusting.”

A sly smile curved the corner of her full lips, coal rimmed eyes narrowed with a knowing glint. “Have you never known the touch of a man?” Then her fingers briefly touched his bite and she winced. “Ah, but you have. Haven’t you?”

She clenched her jaw. “I don’t want his touch.”

Marika’s fingers toyed with the bite, fingers fluttering softer than she’d thought them capable over the bump. “A wolf’s mark. He’s claimed you as mate. I hear the bite is better than sex.”

She shuddered, remembering how she’d felt every cell in her body flaring to life, as if they would splinter apart with pleasure. “He had no right to do it.”

“A wolf cannot claim what is not his. The fact that you bear the mark means you belong to him.”

“I belong to myself,” Violet pounded her chest.

“As you say.” Marika lifted a brow and then proceeded to show Violet how to wrap the cloth around her so that it looked like the dress she’d thought it was earlier.

Getting out of the water, she dried off with the large white puff ball Marika handed her. It felt like cotton, but much more absorbent. Anywhere the white fluff touched it sucked up the water. Clumsy fingers tried to do what Marika had made look so simple. The beautiful fabric hung on her like a large sack.

Marika gave a throaty chuckle and soft shake, her fat curls bounced becomingly around her head. Frustrated, Violet threw out her hands and those nimble fingers of Marika worked their magic once more.

“You’re quite a bit smaller than myself,” Marika muttered, “must fatten you up.”

There was a large swath of fabric at her neck, eyeing it with a frown, the large woman snapped her fingers and then gathered it and lifted it to cover her head like a hood.

“Come look.”

Leading Violet to the back of the steaming room she paused before a smooth black rock that gleamed with light from the inside out. The moment Violet stepped in front of it, she gasped. The rock became a mirror and she could hardly believe she was the same plain Violet.

Marika’s eyes glinted. “Do you never age, Heartsong?”

She shook her head. “No. I’ve been stuck at this age for a long time.”

Sun burnished skin touched her pale cheeks. “You’re a woman, look like one.”

“I don’t know…”

Grabbing a blunt piece of black rock, Marika brought it to her face. “Close your eyes,” she ordered. Something smooth and soft brushed against her eyelids, and then Marika said, “perfect.”

The liner gave her a smoky eye effect, making her look much older and more like a woman than she’d ever thought possible. She smiled, admiring the long line of her neck and column of her throat, seeing her image like it was the first time. Violet smiled softly.

“His heart will stop when he sees you.”

Her jaw jutted out and she turned her back to the rock. It didn’t matter how many times she screamed that that man was not her mate, Marika would insist he was. Whatever. She hadn’t learned much, but if he was leading her to Malvena’s keep, then she had a purpose and a direction. Kill the witch, and all the wolves. Including him. She’d find a way around that spell he’d placed on her.

Bowing, Marika smiled.

“It was my pleasure to serve you.” Then she turned on her heels, as if she planned to leave.

“Wait.” Violet rushed up to her elbow. “Where are you going? Are you leaving me?”