Mid Life Love (Mid Life Love #1)

“Touch your tits...”

She slowly reached up and palmed her br**sts, slightly squeezing them.

“No, not like that,” I shook my head. “Touch them like I do when I’m f**king you from behind.”


“Do it.”

She gasped and sat frozen.

“Claire...” I narrowed my eyes at her.

She blinked a few times, but then she roughly grabbed her br**sts and pinched her hardened ni**les—twisting them harshly, pulling them out as far as they could go.

“You’re not going to tell me what you were thinking about? What you want me to do to you? How you like to be f**ked?”

“No...” Her breaths were becoming choppy and the expression on her face made me wish she was here with me in person, made me wish she could take care of my swelling erection.

“Are you wet?” I saw one of her hands moving away from her br**sts, down the screen, down to the part I couldn’t see.

She didn’t answer. She just bit her lip and looked into my eyes with a sense of longing, desire.

“Since you’re not going to tell me what you want me to do to you...” I adjusted my screen. “I want to f**k your mouth.”

Her jaw dropped.

“I’ve wanted to feel your lips wrapped around my dick since the first day we met.”

“Oh god...” She shut her eyes.

“Open your eyes back up...Look at me. Look. At. Me.”

She let out a muffled moan and slowly blinked.

“I want to be the first man to taste you. I want to kiss your clit and f**k you with my tongue. Are you going to let me do that?”


“Answer me.”


“You like me talking to you like this, don’t you?”

She was shutting her eyes again; slowly rocking her body back and forth against fingers that I wished weren’t hidden from me.

“I can’t wait to see you in person again.” I lowered my voice. “I’m going to f**k the shit out of you.”

“Stop...Stop talking...”

“Tell me you’re mine.” I could tell she was about to cum; she was biting down on her lip and shaking her head. “Tell me right now.”

“Yes...Yes...” She let go and fell back onto her pillows, “yours.”

I watched her gasp for air and convulse, watched the vibrations rip through her sexy body, and waited for her to calm down.

It took several minutes for her breathing to get under control, for her chest to stop heaving uncontrollably.

When she was finally coherent, she reached for the laptop and brought it up to her chest.

“Is your problem fixed now?” I raised my eyebrow.

She lay back against her pillows and suppressed a smile. “I never had a problem...”

“Of course you didn’t. What are your plans for today?”

“I’m going to go for a run around seven at Golden Gate Park...You?”

“A very long cold shower.” I noticed her holding back a laugh. “I don’t think too many people will be at that park around seven.”

“Are you trying to ask if you can join me?”

“I don’t need to.” I smiled. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

Claire stopped running and plopped down on a bench right by the lake.

“That trail was amazing.” She panted. “I need to rest for a minute.”

I sat down next to her, watching beads of sweat trickle down her chest. It always amazed me how good she looked in everything. She was dressed in gray sweats and a light purple tank top, but she still looked stunning.

“Can I ask you something?” She looked over at me.

“Of course you can.”

“Are you sure?” She lowered her voice. “It’s a really personal question...”

“Are you mocking me? Ask me anything you want.”

“Why did you feel the need to change your bio about your past for the company handbook?”

Whoa...Didn’t see that one coming...

“It’s complicated.” I didn’t want to talk about it.

She nodded and looked off into the distance, at the birds that were now landing in droves around the lake; at the small group of kids who were attempting to build castles with wet mud.

She leaned back and began stretching her muscles, holding her arms over her head and arching her legs.

I suddenly realized that unlike all the women I’d dated in the past, Claire wasn’t going to open up to me first—if she opened up at all. She didn’t trust me, and I guessed I hadn’t really given her much of a reason to.

“My parents were crystal meth dealers.” I turned to face her. “They used to leave me and my little sister locked in the trailer home while they went out and sold drugs. Whenever they were home, they were either passed out high or yelling at us for shit we didn’t even do.”

Whitney Gracia Williams's books