Jaded (Jaded #1)

Bryce asked me, “Did you sleep?”

“On and off,” I said dully and a yawn escaped me. I’d stayed at Corrigan’s, but Bryce hadn’t been there to help me sleep. I knew another sleepless night would make my pride too desperate and I’d beg for his company.

“Students,” Mr. Adlross boomed down the hallway. “We’re starting and you are not inside.”

There were other lingering students, but he wasn’t talking to them. Mr. Aldross looked straight at us as he gestured towards the auditorium doors.

“Today, Mr. Raimler, Mr. Scout, and Miss Jeneve.”

The other students breathed in relief. They’d escaped Mr. Aldross’ wrath.

“Whatever,” Corrigan muttered as he stood and led our slow arrival past Mr. Aldross’ disapproval.

A few seats were empty, but Corrigan led us towards the back sections and jerked his head at a few students. They scrambled and the three of us sat in the back row that was shadowed from the overhanging seats upstairs.

As we all waited for someone to approach the podium on the stage, Corrigan tapped his foot against the seat’s backrest in front of him. It earned him an irritated glare from a junior girl that immediately turned into a self-conscious smile. Corrigan’s eyes lit up and he leaned forward for some time-consuming flirting.

I slumped in my seat and closed my eyes until I felt Bryce’s fingers slide onto my thigh.

I looked up and saw a faint grin as he stared back. He didn’t look like he fared the night any better so I sat up and slid a hand around his neck. He leaned down and met my waiting lips. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth as Bryce kissed me. It felt satisfying and pleasurable against a night of no sleep. His kisses pushed the coldness of reality away and I relaxed against him when he shifted me to his lap.

The microphone crackled as it was moved too close to a body and Principal

Gregory spoke clearly and briskly, “When Miss Jeneve and Mr. Scout finish their morning ‘hellos’ we will resume with the agenda for this emergency convention.”

Laughter smattered across the auditorium, but Bryce took his time finishing our kiss before he lazily looked up and called out, “We’re good. Thanks.”

Principal Gregory coughed in disapproval and I slid off Bryce’s lap.

“Thank you, Miss Jeneve, for putting our good tax payers’ money to use. Chairs are meant to be sat upon.”

“They’re not as comfortable,” I replied and I saw Principal Gregory hide a grin while the students broke out in laughter.

Principal Gregory nodded, “Thank you for pointing that out, Miss Jeneve, but that is not why we all have come together in this auditorium.”

With those words, I was forgotten.

Principal Gregory looked over the auditorium and took a deep breath. It changed the atmosphere and everyone quieted. We all just waited.

“I am sure, by now, that everyone has heard the recent events that occurred over the weekend. Some schools would not openly address the tragic loss that we have experienced from the death of Leisha Summers, but I disagree. I have invited the local Sheriff to address some questions we all may be feeling and Miss Connors will have her own say about how to handle some of those emotions that you might be experiencing.

After school, we will adjourn our last period thirty minutes earlier where a silent candle vigil will take place in the parking lot in memory of Leisha Summers.” He nodded once and said, “With that—Sheriff Adley.”

Sheriff Adley wasn’t there to speak about Leisha’s murder. He was there to address further safety in the community. He repeated most of what Corrigan had mocked, but without the buddy system. He said to be smart when leaving your home at night.

Check in when you leave and always give an estimated time when you’re to arrive and where. Make sure to check in again after you’ve arrived. Pepper spray is a weapon of choice among many police officers, its use wasn’t deadly and still effective. Don’t walk in any area with poor lighting. Park your vehicle under streetlights. Watch over your shoulder and if you feel someone is following, don’t be afraid to call 911.

After he opened the forum for questions, he gave no comment on all the questions that were about Leisha. He only replied that his staff and deputies were pursing all avenues and hope to make an arrest in the near future.

Disappointment transcended the auditorium, but it was understood.

Miss Connors took the podium next and spoke about how to handle grief.

I tuned her out and left through the back door.

Mr. Sayword wasn’t surprised when he saw my entrance in the art room.

The room was empty except for the two of us and he nodded in sympathy, “I’m sorry, Sheldon. I heard that you found your friend.”

I shrugged and moved into the darkroom.

It didn’t matter that it wasn’t my film that I developed. My hands needed to be busy and moving.