Jaded (Jaded #1)

Chet barked out a laugh at that. “Oh god. That’s hilarious.”

Harris leaned forward and asked, delight in his eyes, “So Sheldon, are you really coming to my party? It’s tomorrow night, you know.”

I cast a lazy eye over him and shrugged, “I’ll try.”

Bryce wasn’t listening.

“What do you think he’ll do?” I asked.

“With him—who knows,” Bryce muttered, frowning.

“Didn’t Corrigan light a shed on fire once because someone messed up his locker?” Chet asked.

Bryce swore.

“Imagine what he’s going to do for his car getting messed up.”

I swore.

“Yerling’s going to the morgue if he keeps pissing off Corrigan,” Holster remarked.

The guys all had the same sudden wariness now.

“Keeps pissing off Corrigan? What do you mean?” I was in the dark here. And I knew I didn’t enjoy being in the dark, something else had happened.

Chet frowned and glanced to Bryce.

Holster and Harris both looked away. Sometimes I thought they were spineless, but then again—they were followers. I’d witnessed when those guys had waded through fire if Bryce, Chet, or Corrigan told them to. They weren’t spineless, but wary at times.

And they had reason to be.

“What am I missing?” I looked at all four of them and ended with Bryce. He had been watching me with an emotion I couldn’t name. A knot of dread suddenly took root in my stomach.

Oh god.

“What is going on?”

“Uh…” Bryce started, but fell silent.

Chet cleared his throat and leaned forward. “Uh…Yerling’s been pushing the envelope lately. He’s been…he’s been—”

“A psycho lately,” Holster said flatly.

Chet threw him a frown, but resumed, “Yeah, well, he’s been off his rocker lately.

Remember that day in here when he…”

“I remember,” I said dryly. I’d been there. I didn’t need to remember when he’d made me scared—pansy.

“Well…the truth is that Yerling had done something to another girl this past weekend. And—” Chet gave Bryce a beseeching look.

Bryce coughed and finished, calmly, “Yerling hurt a girl at my party Friday night.”

“What?” I hadn’t heard anything about that.

“And on Sunday night, he made a few not-pretty comments about you—about what he’d like to do to you. We’ve been kinda watching him ever since then.”

“He knew the score!” Harris burst out. “You told him that if he hurt anyone else or even looked like he might hurt someone that you’d put him down. He’s asked for what’s coming to him.”

“He seemed fine on Monday and Tuesday. He was joking with Brent at lunch that day.” This was from Chet.

“I know. We saw him in the principal’s office Tuesday. He was fine,” Bryce remarked.

“He said he’d gotten caught getting a blowjob,” I said shortly. “He lied.”

“Or he was trying to make someone give him a blowjob,” Holster mumbled without thinking what he’d just said. His eyes widened when he did and he glanced at Bryce.

Bryce said slowly, “If that was the case…who was the girl?”

“I haven’t heard a thing,” Chet remarked as he swallowed tightly.

“Me neither,” Evan parroted.

“Right,” I scoffed. “Because girls who are forced to do sexual acts really go around and proclaim it.” I sent a scathing glance at them. “You guys are idiots.”

They looked at me.

“If you guys were forced to do something like that, would you tell people?”

They all grimaced and looked anywhere, but at me.

“Ignorant, ignorant, ignorant. And you’re idiots,” I chastised before I caught a glimpse of Becky Lew, who had been watching us. “Why is she looking at us?”

The guys seemed to sigh in relief at the same time. The topic had been changed.

Bryce relaxed beside me and threw an arm across the top of the booth. His hand brushed my shoulder.

“Because she’s hot for Scout,” Harris said with a cocky glint.

Bryce smirked and reached for his drink. His hand started to rub up and down against my shoulder.

He asked me, “You want something to eat?”

“I’m good.”

“I could eat something. Let’s go to Donadeli,” Chet requested and the decision was made. The guys stood one by one and all trailed towards the door. I caught a sneer from Becky Lew, but she turned and flung an arm around some other guy. As we cleared the back section, I tucked my fingers inside of Bryce’s back pocket and stopped him.

“Who’s the guy?” I gestured behind us.

“Braven Locke. Why?”

Why? Because the guy next to him was salivating just as much and I remembered seeing that same guy with Leisha. She had been blushing and had even ducked her head, flirtatiously. I wanted to know, that’s why.

“Is he friends with the other guy, the blonde?” That’s who had caused Leisha to blush.

“I guess. His name is Carlos Hunstville.” Bryce shrugged. “Why do you care?”

I shrugged and moved past him. When we got outside, I threw over my shoulder, “You’re driving.”