Jaded (Jaded #1)

“Oh my god. Do you guys know them?” Leisha pressed again, eagerly. All her virgin-blushes and awkwardness was gone now. The presence of a celebrity could work so many miracles.

“Something like that,” I murmured and plastered a warm smile on my face when Denton noticed us. He did a double-take, but left Mena’s side. Mena remained at the counter.

“Hey, Sheldon.” Denton flashed a smooth grin my way and took the seat beside mine.

Bryce leaned back and watched underneath his eyelids.

“Skipping school?” Denton managed to condemn and flirt with me at the same time.

“I have first period free,” I lied smoothly.

“Really?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Hi.” Leisha stuck her hand out. “I’m Leisha Summers.”

“Hi.” Denton turned celebrity in a flash.

“Can I have your autograph?”

“Sure.” He winked at me. “Sheldon, do you want an autograph?”

I looked at him coolly and murmured, “I think I gave you my autograph.”

“Oh right.” He flexed his back and added, “I never knew nail marks stung so much.”

Mena sat beside Leisha at that moment and handed a drink to her brother.

Denton dropped the celebrity façade and turned into big brother immediately. It was impressive.

“Thanks, Mena,” he said softly.

She ignored him and gazed at me. “Hey, Sheldon.”

“Hi, Mena.”

She glanced warily at Bryce. Her eyes lingered a moment and Bryce raised an eyebrow when he looked at me.

Denton’s jaw clenched. He thrust a hand out, “We didn’t meet yesterday. I’m Denton.”

“Bryce,” Bryce grunted as he shook hands.

“Did you guys get your friend out of jail?”

Bryce and I both grinned and enjoyed the startled looks on Leisha and Mena’s faces.

“Sure did.” Bryce lifted his cup in a salute.

“Who was in jail?” Mena asked.

“A friend,” I answered and switched the topic, “So, Mena, you’re not going to school today?”

Denton frowned and answered first, “She’s not feeling well today.”

“Looks fine to me,” Bryce commented.

“Looks fine to me,” I repeated.

Mena gave her brother a forced smile and said tightly, “I’m feeling fine, but Denton thinks he felt a fever coming on.”

“Coffee’s a good antidote,” Bryce deadpanned.

Denton scowled his way, but recovered almost immediately.

Bryce and I both caught it and shared a look. I shifted in my seat and introduced, “Mena, this is Leisha. Leisha, this is Mena. Mena’s first day was yesterday at our school.”

“Oh really? I don’t remember seeing you.” Leisha said warmly. I enjoyed her naiveté.

“So why was your friend in jail?” Denton said abruptly. I don’t think he enjoyed the naiveté.

I ignored him and murmured, “Mena, do you have a fever now?”

“No,” she said quickly.

“See? Coffee heals anything,” Bryce said easily, but kept his eyes on Denton, alert.

“Look, man, I was concerned for my sister. What’s your problem?” Denton bit out and flexed his hands.

“I think I skipped my second day when I started high school too.” I laughed and shifted in my seat, getting comfortable.

Denton caught the insult and glared at me. “You’re a real bitch, you know that?”

“Me?” I asked innocently, fighting a smile.

Bryce bit back a smile.

Leisha gulped and had the whole deer in headlights look again.

Mena just frowned.

Denton leaned forward and retorted, “It may work wonders in bed, darling. In real life, people are going to stop dancing to your tune real quick.”

“Funny how you’re still dancing,” I mused.

A wall slammed in place over Denton’s eyes and he stood up. “Let’s go, Mena.

You’re feeling better. I should take you to school.”

Mena stood reluctantly.

I suggested, “You can ride with us. We should get going too.”

“No,” Denton said quickly with a hand at his sister’s elbow. “I’ll take her. I don’t know if she’ll actually get there with you.”

Bryce laughed.

“Was that an insult?” I joined in Bryce’s amusement.

Denton shook his head and dragged Mena behind him. We watched through the window and saw him shake his arm in the air at her. Mena shrugged him off and got into the passenger seat. A moment later Denton followed and his tires squealed out of the parking lot.

“What…,” Leisha breathed out. “What was that?”

I shrugged and stood, “Let’s go.” Game over.

Leisha led the way and Bryce fell in step beside me. He ignored my back pocket and slid his fingers into my thong’s top strap. His thumb gently caressed the outside of my pants and he murmured into my ear, “Big Fame Steele’s got a temper on him.”

“I know.”

He held me back and the coffee shop’s door shut with us on the inside and Leisha on the outside. She stopped at my car and glanced back for us.

He nipped at my bottom lip and murmured, huskily, “Can we please ditch this girl?”

“And do what?” I nipped back.

Bryce slid his tongue against mine before he replied, “Do what we should’ve done yesterday.”

“Spend the whole day in bed?” I laughed and pushed away from him.

“Why not?”