If It Fornicates (Market Garden, #4)

Nick dropped the last of his clothes on the small pile. For a moment, he just looked at Spencer. They were a couple of feet apart, both completely naked and aroused. A million ideas ran through Nick’s mind. Flog him? Bind him? Break out the evil sticks or the nipple clamps? Put him on his knees or over the bed?

His body moved before his mind had caught up, and by the time he’d realised what he was doing, Nick had closed the distance between them. He put his arms around Spencer’s waist, pulled their bodies close, pressed skin to skin, and kissed him. Spencer touched him back, almost hesitant, passive, then his hands were on Nick’s shoulder blades, firm, secure, thumbs stroking his skin.

There was something oddly protective and caring about the touch, which would have been preposterous from anybody else, but Nick found himself much less reluctant to accept it from Spencer.

Maybe that was something he’d been missing from his for-pay relationships. Maybe some return current that a man who hired him just didn’t provide, didn’t care to provide. But Spencer did. Maybe he wasn’t even aware of it. But it added something. Depth beyond lust.

He reached up and twisted Spencer’s nipples, made him cringe, but Spencer never broke the contact, and his erection kept pushing against Nick. His to torment, his to tease, his to make incoherent with pain or pleasure or both. And nobody else’s.

Nick broke the kiss and grinned up into Spencer’s face. “There’s something rather special about you.”

“Thank you,” Spencer said, and he clearly meant it. No sarcasm, no jadedness.

Nick nodded at the bed. “Lie down.”

“Back or front?”

“One day I’ll tie you down hands and feet and neck, on your belly, and fuck you with a dildo until you cry, and then I’ll fuck you . . . but not today.”

Spencer’s expression made Nick smile. It would definitely be fun to test Spencer’s endurance and make him scream, but he did feel quite a bit more mellow than that at the moment. He was just giving Spencer’s mind something to play with.

Spencer lay down, and Nick got his toy bag out of the wardrobe. He dug up some sturdy leather cuffs and put them on Spencer. Then he pulled a length of chain out of the bag—he did like the clink and strength of it, never mind the visuals—and threaded it through the cuffs’ steel ring, then fastened them securely to the bed with carabiners.

Spencer was watching him, and he remembered Spencer’s suggestion of being tied down completely. Easy enough. Next item on the list was a spreader bar, which he extended and fastened to Spencer’s legs. The man was shivering with anticipation, and groaned softly when Nick then fastened the bar to the frame of the bed. Almost no play, not on his hard mattress.

“Look at you,” Nick teased. “All hot and bothered.”

“If it pleases you.”

“It does.” Nick grabbed condoms and lube and straddled Spencer’s waist. “How much do you trust me, Spencer?” He bent down and stared into his eyes. “Remember your safeword?”


“That’s my boy.” Nick opened a condom wrapper, reached behind himself and rolled the condom down Spencer’s length. His stomach fluttered. He’d never taken a guy Spencer’s size, and maybe he should use a blindfold to keep Spencer literally in the dark about any nervousness, but he figured that was really the coward’s way out. In. Whatever.

“I should rent that thick cock out to some of my friends. You’d be popular.”

Spencer jerked in the chains. “Would you—really?” He seemed shocked at the thought, and Nick almost pitied him. Maybe one fantasy too far, and he really wasn’t ready to share Spencer in any case.

“We can talk about it,” Nick said mildly.

Spencer’s gaze fixed on his face. He calmed visibly and nodded.

Nick poured some lube into his hand, then ran it along the condom, aware he was mostly doing himself a favour by being thorough.

“You might not be able to talk,” Nick said. “Grab the chain.”

Spencer took it.

“Release the chain if you’re in serious trouble. I’m keeping an eye on it.”


Nick applied plenty of lube to his own arsehole, then reached for Spencer’s dick. Guiding him was challenging from this angle. It might’ve been easier if Nick had left Spencer’s hands free, but the man looked so damn good like that, all bound and turned on and completely at Nick’s mercy, the extra effort was well worth it.

He pressed against the head of Spencer’s cock, but went slowly. He hadn’t done this in a while, after all. Probably could’ve had Spencer finger him first, but now that he’d gotten it in his head he was going to do this, he didn’t want more steps than were necessary. No sense letting Spencer see him lose his nerve.