Hood's Obsession (Kingdom, #9)

Lilith’s head snapped up at this words and she glared at her mother, not with anger, but with a question burning in her bright blue eyes.

He nodded, keeping pace with the women as they led him toward the kitchen. “I apologize for any inconvenience my coming here might cost you both—”

Violet waved his words away. “You were expected, Giles. Though not by my daughter, I’m sure.”

Glancing at Lilith, Giles was surprised to see her still wearing a mask of astonishment. She tucked a black thread of hair behind her ear but still refused to ask her mother any questions. Though even he could sense them rolling around on her tongue. He wondered what could make the fiery shifter so tongue-tied all of a sudden.

Patting his arm, Violet smiled. “You will rest here the night, then in the morning I shall pack you a basket of food that will see you through to the next day, when food will become easier to rustle up.”

He shook his head. “I’d just as soon leave this night.”

She laughed. “No, that won’t be happening. There is a powerful nor’easter ripping through the Howling Canyon. It will wipe away anyone attempting to walk through the valley. You will wait and leave on the morrow.”

Frowning, he glanced back at Lilith, who was now attempting to hide her chuckle behind her wrist. Giles had allowed no one but his prince to dictate anything to him, the only reason he stayed his tongue was not because he was currently surrounded by a pack of barely leashed tempers, but because he knew the power the Heartsong wielded. If she said it was bad, he’d have no choice but to believe her.

“Then I shall do as advised.”

Her smile was huge. “Come, then, let us break for supper and talk of this quest.”

Turning the corner, Giles suffered a moment’s pang of homesickness. The kitchen was massive and hewn from the same red clay as the rest of the home. The table and chairs were obviously whittled by skilled hands. A deep, burnished mahogany wood that mingled with the rich, meaty brine of roasted haunch gave their kitchen an old-world feel.

The entire leg turned on a spit over the flame inside the massive hearth. The drip of liquid fat sizzled on the heated stones beneath and made his mouth water.

Ewan and the rest of the clan were seated in their places, smiling broadly. A wolf’s love of meat was well known.

“Sit.” Violet pointed to the three empty seats on other side of Ewan.

Taking the one directly beside the Big Bad Wolf, he sat and waited as the woman lifted the meat from the spit, bringing it to the center of the table that was already overflowing with baskets of cheese, fruit, and bread.

He expected the moment the meat hit the table that it would be an all-out brawl to get at it, but the men stayed calm. Though their gazes never swerved from the juicy leg.

Lilith took the seat beside him and Violet the one across from him.

Ewan then took a large knife in hand and began making thick cuts, which Violet would stab with a large, silver-handled fork and plop onto the plates of her young. The men did attack their food then, completely ignoring everything else on the table.

Picking up a knife and fork, Ewan sliced into his chunk of meat. “This journey my daughter is to take—what is it for?”

Accepting the proffered slice of meat, Giles also grabbed some cheese and fruit. Violet took no meat at all, choosing to stick with the other items on the table. Lilith took a small square of meat, but mostly tore into the bread.

“Rumpel’s son is cursed.”

Popping a grape into her mouth, Violet nodded. “Aye. I told you, mate, remember? The boy is missing his sliver of humanity. Because of Lilith’s skill and Giles’s brute strength”—the Heartsong snorted and Giles couldn’t figure out whether she mocked him or not—“they must take on this quest together.”

“Ah.” Ewan scratched his jaw. “Right. I’d forgotten.”

Giles narrowed his eyes. He’d known the Heartsong possessed great power, but he had not known, however, that she was a seer.

She smiled. “I can read your thoughts like a book. You wonder whether I’ve grown stronger. I have. Though I do not read minds, let us just say that I have friends in high places and we were told of your coming. But there is no need to worry about me, not so long as my family remains hale and whole.”

Ewan nodded, ripping into a meaty chunk and chewing as he gazed at Giles.

“Is that a threat?” Giles asked before popping a bite of cheese into his mouth. The creamy yellow wedge had a smooth, slightly nutty texture to it. It tasted fresh, and almost like it was homemade.

Shrugging, Ewan swallowed his bite of meat. “My woman is a power even greater than I. We do not deal in threats, only in actions. That she warns you is a kindness I wouldn’t have offered.”

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