Gabriel's Redemption (Gabriel's Inferno #3)

A look passed between the two men that was reminiscent of the look that warriors gave after a battle in which both sides took heavy losses.

Paul was the first to speak.

“I’m not going to interfere in your marriage. But if I learn that you’ve broken her heart again, we’re going to have a problem.”

“If I break Julianne’s heart, I’ll deserve it.”

“Good.” Paul grinned. “Can we stop touching each other now?”

Gabriel dropped his hand as if it were on fire. “Absolutely.”

Chapter Seventeen

Later that afternoon, Julia and Gabriel checked into the Randolph Hotel. They were supposed to meet Katherine and Paul for dinner. But Paul said that he needed to speak to Professor Picton alone and, apologizing, asked the Emersons if they’d mind canceling their dinner plans. So the Emersons were left to dine alone.

After a quiet meal in the Randolph’s elegant dining room, they went upstairs to their suite.

“Are you glad the conference is over?” Gabriel held the door open for his wife.

“Very glad.” Immediately, Julia took off her suit jacket, draping it over a chair. She sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off her high heels.

She retrieved a square of chocolate from atop one of the pillows and unwrapped it, popping the sweet into her mouth. “They didn’t give us chocolates at Magdalen College.”

She gazed fondly in the direction of the en-suite. “’I’m kind of in love with the heated towel rack in the bathroom. We need one of those in Cambridge.”

Gabriel laughed. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“But I wouldn’t trade our nights at Magdalen for anything. If we come back to Oxford, I hope we can stay there again.”

“Of course.” He kissed the top of her head. “Magdalen is a special place, but the accommodations are a bit Spartan for my tastes. I think if we split our time between here and there, we’d be doing well.”

“I had hoped I’d see a Narnian ghost during our visit.”

“You won’t find one outside Magdalen. Although I’m told that the actor who played Inspector Morse haunts the bar downstairs. We could go and take a look.”

“I think I’ve had enough of people for one day. I need a hot bath, a hot towel, and an early night.”

“Do you feel differently now?” He extended his hand to cup her cheek.


“About grad school.” He shrugged. “About anything.”

“I worked hard on the paper, but I was also lucky. The audience didn’t bring their pitchforks.”

“They weren’t pushovers. I know that crowd. They don’t suffer fools.”

“I noticed that based on the way they turned on Christa during the question period. I’ve never seen that happen before.” Julia shuddered.

“I’ve seen it. And worse.”

“I wonder where she went.”

Gabriel snorted. “Apparently, Pacciani escorted her from the building. I suppose Katherine really did put the fear of God in him. He was furious.”

Julia looked up at her husband curiously. “Don’t you think it’s strange that Paul didn’t want to have dinner with us? He seemed to be looking forward to it earlier.”

Gabriel traced a light finger down her nose. “Maybe Katherine isn’t happy with his dissertation and he wanted to smooth things over without an audience.”


“You still haven’t answered my question. Do you feel differently about grad school now? Or are you still enthusiastic about your program?”

She put her hand over his, pressing his palm against her cheek. “It was an intimidating experience. But I’m glad I did it. I’d like to do it again.”

“Good, because I think you’re gifted, Julianne, and I want to do everything in my power to help you succeed.”

She closed her eyes tightly. “Thank you, Gabriel. That means a lot.”

“You can always talk to me. If something is troubling you, I’ll listen. I promise.” He slid his hand to the back of her neck.

“I just want us to be happy.”

“I want that too. So if you’re ever unhappy, tell me.”

She pressed her lips to his wrist.

“I wonder what Beatrice’s husband thought of Dante’s attentions. You have to admit, that part of the story is sad. Beatrice is married, but she has this poet following her around and writing sonnets about her.”

Gabriel’s grip on her tightened. “I married you. I love you. We have what Dante and Beatrice never had.” He kissed her again. “I need to go out. But I’ll be back.”

“Will you be gone long?”

“I don’t know. But in the meantime, I have a gift.” He pulled a box out of his pocket and placed it in her hand.

Julia read the label. Cartier.

She looked up at him wide-eyed.

He opened the box and she saw a beautiful white gold watch shining against folds of creamy silk.

“This is in recognition of a job well done. You’re going to have lots of opportunities to present your research, and you need a reliable watch.”

He removed it from the box and turned it over, showing her the inscription on the back.

To My Beloved,

With admiration and pride
