Gabriel's Redemption (Gabriel's Inferno #3)

“For what? Telling the truth?”

“There’s no truth to your character assassinations. You weren’t harassed back in Toronto. And Julia does her own research, as is obvious to anyone with half a brain.”

The sound of laughter echoed from the lecture theater. Gabriel turned in its direction.

Christa lifted her voice to regain his attention.

“You’re forgetting the part where you f**ked one of your students and were placed on administrative leave. That’s a story worth telling. Not to mention the fact that Professor Singer had quite a bit to say about you. It’s a pity she didn’t take photographs. I would have liked one.”

She reached up to brush imaginary lint off the lapels of his navy blue suit.

He caught her hand at the wrist and squeezed. Hard.

“You’re playing with fire.”

She leaned even closer, bringing her mouth within inches of his. “Oh, I hope so, Professor.”

With disgust he released her, stepping back and wiping his hands as if they’d been contaminated. With another glance toward the theater, he decided to end their confrontation.

“You keep your mouth shut. Or I’ll make your life a living hell.”

“There’s no reason to be unfriendly. The power to end this is in your hands.” She gestured to his crotch, her lips turning up into an appreciative smile. “Actually, it’s a bit lower.”

He muttered an expletive and began to walk away, but she followed him.

“Come to my hotel and tomorrow, you won’t have to worry about my talented mouth anymore.” She placed her hand on his arm, dropping her voice to a seductive whisper. “I know you. I know what you like and I know what you want. We’ll f**k all night then go our separate ways.”

He pushed her hand away roughly.


“Then what happens next is on your conscience.”

Gabriel took a step in her direction. “You stay away from my wife, do you hear me?”

“I’m at the Malmaison. It used to be a prison, which should appeal to you.” She reached up to bring her lips to his ear. “I brought handcuffs.”

Gabriel was too busy pushing her away to realize that she’d dropped something into his suit pocket.

With a smirk, she waved.

“Tonight is your only chance. Come before midnight.”

She turned on her very high heels, swaying seductively as she walked. Then, almost as an afterthought, she paused and looked at him over her shoulder.

“Give my best to your wife.”

Chapter Twelve

A few minutes later, Gabriel scanned the crowd of the lecture theater, looking for Julia. His eyes widened as he took in the scene at the front of the room. Julia was being hugged. By someone large. By someone male.

By someone—handsome.

Gabriel took the stairs two at a time in order to reach the front of the hall. He watched as Julia pulled back from the man, her face happy, her kissable lips curved up into a smile.

The man reluctantly withdrew his arms from her waist before saying something that caused her to laugh.

Gabriel was ready to strangle the man, and then he was going to challenge him to a duel.

As he approached, Julia’s eyes found his. The man turned in the direction of her gaze.

Gabriel stopped short.



Paul Norris squinted at his former dissertation supervisor, not quite sure he’d heard what he thought he’d heard. Certainly, he had his own favored descriptors for the Professor, few of which were complimentary.

Studentfucker, Paul thought.

“This conference keeps getting better and better,” Gabriel muttered, straightening himself to his full height of six feet two inches.

“Professor Emerson.” Paul subconsciously flexed his biceps and broadened his chest.

“Paul.” Gabriel moved to Julia’s side possessively, handing her the bottle of water.

“Shake hands, gentlemen.” She frowned, looking between her friend and her husband.

The men followed her suggestion less than enthusiastically.

“I didn’t know you were coming.” Gabriel looked pointedly at Paul.

“I wasn’t. One of the presenters backed out, so Professor Picton invited me. I’m giving the paper just before Julia’s.”

Julia smiled. “That’s great. Congratulations.”

Paul beamed in return.

“Can I take you to lunch?” He focused solely on Julia.

“I’m afraid she already has plans.”

Julia gave her husband what could only be referred to as the look before nodding at Paul.

“I’d love to go to lunch with you. Thank you.”

Gabriel clutched Julia’s elbow.

“I don’t think that’s appropriate,” he whispered.

“Darling,” she whispered back a warning.

“Hello, Mr. Norris,” Katherine interrupted. She shook Paul’s hand firmly before turning to Gabriel. “Mr. Norris and I are having dinner this evening. I’d like you and Julianne to join us.”